Most beneficial change .

I am seeking opinions about what to change first , my speakers or my amplification .

I have a Primaluna Prologue 2 integrated feeding Reference 3a Decapo i speakers from a Granite Audio 657 CDP using the tubed side most of the time . I have rolled the input tubes on the integrated to warm things up some which helped nicely . The system is in a small 10'X11' room on the diagonal with some room treatments . The room is carpeted and my chair is overstuffed leather with a matching foot stool .

I get good tone , extension , details , resolution and PRaT but it is kind of boring ! It all sounds pretty good but I don't want to tap my toes ,bob my head or play the air guitar ! I can listen for long periods of time with ease but just don't want to . Easy to fall asleep ! I guess that I would like to increase the dynamics and musicality . I prefer tubes .

Suggestions ?

Thank you for your input .
Those speakers are notorious for sounding poor with the grills on. I'm quite surprised.
10-13-09: Saki70
I have tried to build a system that will sound good at lower volumes . Most of my listening is done at speaking volume or a little higher . Remeber that I am sitting 6ft. from the speaker face . My speakers are 91db. at 8 ohms and 6 ohms nominal . How loud I listen depends on the type of music . I prefer classic rock to be louder than say jazz and singers and standards .

Good efficiency speakers @ 6ft away -- yes I would think you wouldn't have to (or want to) turn them up to sound good. My speakers are prob not the best match for my amp -- they could use more power. But even so, I also like to turn it up 'just because'.

BTW this is a pretty interesting thread, more useful then most from a troubleshooting standpoint. I suspect it's the nature of your question in that it's open-ended instead of already hinting at a direction to go. And of course you got as many opinions as there were people to post. But still, useful info for anyone really.

It is interesting that speaker grills off achieved no greater extension, airiness, etc then with on. I would wager, however, that you won't achieve any MORE of the aforementioned with them on.

good luck.
Don't get me wrong , I am not really trying to improve on those attributes , per say . I have them now , probably could be better , but I'm happy with what I have .
What I was refering to above , wanting an increase in extension , was about what I had given up for the increased midrange when I switched to the El-34 tube .

What I am really trying to do , for lack of the proper audiophile term , is make the music more exciting . Like what Dpac996 gets in his car ! And again , the EL-34 tube has helped .

Thank you .