most beautiful (looking) speakers

yes no


personally, I found

sonus faber Stradi / Elipsa, /aida and Amati anniversario


Another very special one is Usher audio BE-20 / TD-20 speakers, if you like unconventional shape speakers, these looks like sailboat to me, which is just as sexy as sonus faber stradis


I haven’t read all the posts but I heard Estelon speakers with VAC electronics this past weekend at Axpona and besides the phenomenal sound they are gorgeous. 

"Ojas Artbook Shelf Speaker Kit - @sevi01"

Great call. I so badly want to assemble and paint these one day. Looks like so much fun: Ojas Speaker Build Video



I have a friend who once saw the B&W Nautilus at a show in the 1990s and has since regarded them as his ultimate loudspeaker. He just loves the design.

[He also likes art deco, Tamara de Lempicka and baroque styling - yuk!].

Whereas someone like myself can’t understand what’s so endearing about having a pair of giant snails situated in your listening room.