Most annoying song, period.

Sorry if I'm replicating a thread.    I've been wanting to say this for years:  Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up.  What's yours?

Showing 7 responses by wyoboy

+10 on Achy Breaky Heart--in 1993 I broke a jukebox in Jakarta Indonesia to stop the torture--only cost 145,000 Rupiah to pay for the damage--worth every penny...well, Rupe
I was out of country when the original came out and not in a place where you would ever hear any American music.  I didn't hear it until around 1979 so i was never exposed to the overplay.  Not my favorite Eagles song but the extended intro with Walsh and Felder on the Hell Freezes over version is the reason i listen to it when i do.
I know what you mean--i was stunned to see the Live version of Hotel California listed--then i wondered which live version?  Surely it can't be the one on Hell Freezes Over--i use that one to demo speakers !  If it is the one he/she's talking about--well, to each his own...
@dramatictenor--re Afternoon Delight--if "annoying" = puke inducing then you have my vote !

My favorite juke box prank:
Repeat until your $5.00 of credit is gone
Maybelline by Chuck Berry


That's exactly what happened when i broke the jukebox--couple expat teenage girls put on who-knows-how-much-worth of Achy Breaky Heart (anything more than once is already torture!) and then left the bar laughing...i refused to abandon my drink so there was only one thing left to do
@rockysantoro--OP didn't ask for most annoying albums but if he had "Frampton Comes Alive" would also have been at the top of my list--i wonder how it sounds played backwards ?  Won't ever know cause thankfully i don't own it !!!