Most annoying song, period.

Sorry if I'm replicating a thread.    I've been wanting to say this for years:  Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up.  What's yours?

Showing 3 responses by richopp

Sure, some of these are pretty bad, but until you crank up Ravels's Daphnis Et Chloe with Charles Munch and the Boston Symphony, you ain't heard the worst of the worst.

Just don't do it...your system may explode.

@mitchagain You are so right!  Sorry that I went that far, but bad is bad, so maybe just turn it off and smash the recording to bits and recycle the cover AND the bits to make sure this never surfaces again.

Mea culpa!



PS  Upon further "Direct-Reflection," there ARE systems that maybe should be destroyed...possibly blowing them up is a bit extreme, but one never knows, right?  I could name some names (Bose) but will refrain for now...

@mitchagain  No worries!  Fun is fun, and like many I enjoy the game a bit, I guess.

It is interesting to read what some posters hate--Beatles and Beach Boys and Springsteen and so forth.

As I like to think, that is what makes things go around.  If everyone liked the same things all the time, life would be very boring!

Now, if you wish to discuss the revelation that groups like the Beatles brought to marketing and industry types, that is another discussion.  Every since these people figured out that they could TELL us what we like, things here have been rather strange.  Social media has, of course, taken this to the extreme, unfortunately.  The pendulum is due to swing back any time now, I can only hope.  

Until then, keep laughing and enjoy the music--no matter how bad it is...

