Mosfet vs. Bipolar revisited and the Belles 350A

I have always favored bipolar outputs with mosfet drivers until I ran into the Belles 350A. I stated this preference in a thread sometime ago. After listening to the 350A, I have to do an about face (at least with this amp.) The 350A uses 3 gain stages and operates almost entirely in class "B" with a very little of class "A."
I have heard a lot of amps but never one so neutral, transparent, reveiling and most any other attribute. It also has unbelievable bass control, pitch definition and lower transparency. No Mosfet haze here.
I have been using a Theta Dreadnaught 4-ch amp biwired. I must say, this amp IS better with my Vandersteen 3A Signatures. You can actually not use the subs(pair of 2wq's) and not really miss anything. I have not found this level of performance in this price range before($3495) I finally get to really hear these speakers do their thing.
I have adopted opinions over the 35+ years I have been playing with this stuff but I have never run across an amp that totally changed my way of thinking like this one. This is the overall best amp I have found (so far) driving the Vandersteen's.

Showing 1 response by bigkidz

The Belles is a great amp for the price, he has always designed very good products but was not well known.