Morrison Elad, Some opinions Please.

I am considering a Morrison Elad pre-amp woul appreciate some feedback, my Gear is as follows

Talon Audio perigrin speakers
Sim Audio W-5 Amp
Metronome CD-1V Tube Cd Player

I am using a Citation 5.0 Processor as my pre-amp for now.

Showing 2 responses by cornfedboy

lmathias: the morrison elad preamp has been the subject of a great deal of discussion and controversy at audiogon. a search on the word "elad" will bring up 33 related threads. searching on "morrison" will give you 65 threads. you might wanna' read through a few of these to see if your questions have already been addressed. if your thirst is not quenched with audiogon’s archives, i suggest you then search those of AA-kelly
lmathias: the two posts above this one were likely left by folks who used to be called "shills." in cyberspeak they're known as "sockpuppets." read the threads to which i directed you; the morrison elad is not something about which "one guy had an axe to grind...." let me put it simply: if you buy into the claims of don morrison, you'd better be prepared to buy into his marketing politics, as well. and, if you ever say anything like i just have, expect to be threatened by don's imaginary legal corps. i quiver with anticipation. -kelly