More power?

I am currently running a SF Line 1 Preamp into a CJ Premier 11 with Audio Physic Virgos. I love the sound of my system, although the Virgos really need to be dragged out into the middle of the room to image properly (serious spousal acceptance issue), and I feel like they are a little weak in the low end. I'm wondering whether upgrading to a more powerful amp (e.g., CJ Premier 12 monos) will make a significant difference in the bass. I was also wondering whether adding a PS Audio power plant would make a difference. Other gear: SF SFCD-1 CD Player, Basis 2000 TT. Any feedback greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by jtinn

If I am not mistaken, the CJ 11 is 70 watts into 4 ohms. I just recently heard the Virgos driven by an ARC VT100 along with a BAT VK-30SE, and bass was not a problem. ARCs tend to run lower than they state so my guess would be they are really 90 or so. I find it hard to believe that 20 watts are going to make that much a difference.

The Virgos do sound best in the middle of the room with you closer to them than you would be to most speakers. Do you have them pointing to you (highly toed in)? I would not suggest spending the money on a new amp, but to continue to work on the speaker placement as well as the room itself. Please tell us more about the setup and room.

The PS Audio will not make that much of a difference in what you are looking for. It helps clean up noise related to power but will not give more bass. It may help tighten things up a touch, but I would not rely on that.

Audio Physics are a great value and give you things that no other speaker in the same price range can, huge staging and terrific imaging. They are worth keeping only if you can have them setup properly without destroying your marriage. :)
I am in full agreement with Onhwy61. It really does not make a difference how much more power you feed the Virgos, the subwoofer(s) is the only solution. I lived in a huge loft and know exactly what you are going through.