More power?

I am currently running a SF Line 1 Preamp into a CJ Premier 11 with Audio Physic Virgos. I love the sound of my system, although the Virgos really need to be dragged out into the middle of the room to image properly (serious spousal acceptance issue), and I feel like they are a little weak in the low end. I'm wondering whether upgrading to a more powerful amp (e.g., CJ Premier 12 monos) will make a significant difference in the bass. I was also wondering whether adding a PS Audio power plant would make a difference. Other gear: SF SFCD-1 CD Player, Basis 2000 TT. Any feedback greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by jamestakamatsu

The C-J Premier 11's two serious shortcomings are a lack of bass punch and narrow soundstage. An ARC VT-100 mk2 or BAT VK-60 would be great improvements on both fronts, as would a pair of Premier 12s(as least according to C-J).