More MFSL Upcoming SACD Releases...

Los Lobos - "Good Morning, Aztla'n" #MOF-SC-2022 Release Date 09/23/2003

St. Louis Symphony Orchestra - "Prokoviev: Ivan The Terrible" #MOF-SC-4003 Release Date 10/07/2003

Patricia Barber - "Companion" #MOF-SC-2023 Release Date 10/21/2003

Showing 2 responses by tireguy

Looks like 3 more to add to the list, I just can NEVER get ahead on music! Any word on the Van Morison release date?? how about Blood Sweat and Tears?
Aimee Mann's "Lost in Space" disc was released a month or so ago, I have been unable to track it down locally so I may have to order it from red trumpet or music direct. I have been told it is REALLY good both sonically and performance. It also helps that I am a fan of her work.