More MFSL Upcoming SACD Releases...

Los Lobos - "Good Morning, Aztla'n" #MOF-SC-2022 Release Date 09/23/2003

St. Louis Symphony Orchestra - "Prokoviev: Ivan The Terrible" #MOF-SC-4003 Release Date 10/07/2003

Patricia Barber - "Companion" #MOF-SC-2023 Release Date 10/21/2003

Showing 2 responses by audiobugged

John Lennon's Imagine is to be released in late August 03, as a Hybrid SACD from what I have read.

Ammie Mann is also being released on MFSL SACD, if anyone cares?
Aimee Mann - Lost In Space Ultradisc UHR SACD. May have to give her a listen, since I haven't really heard her since Voices Carry.