More expensive = better?

Because I have never owned any very high end gear I’m wondering if an $8000 integrated amp will sound jaw dropping better than a $5000 one? Right now my system is Parasound JC2 and SMC Audio DNA1 Gold. 

Thanks in advance,



Showing 1 response by rbstehno

"Incredible that people think they listen to an amplifier.... For sure they sound different but most of what we listen to relate to the room acoustic coupling with the speakers...

Money dont buy audio experience with upgrading gear...

Acoustic do....

I dont say that acoustic is important i say it is essential...."

Of course you listen to an amp! You also listen to the preamp/dac/tt/cart/cables. You are assuming that nobody sets up their audio rooms properly. When you start talking about hifi, you should have the basics already covered, and you start with the room. If your room isn't treated properly, why would you think of wasting your money on hifi equipment?