More expensive = better?

Because I have never owned any very high end gear I’m wondering if an $8000 integrated amp will sound jaw dropping better than a $5000 one? Right now my system is Parasound JC2 and SMC Audio DNA1 Gold. 

Thanks in advance,



Showing 1 response by ozzy62

There are plenty of vintage amps available for less than $1K that sound as good as any of today's over-priced gear! I paid around $900 for a Perreaux 2150B - 340/680/920wpc @8/4/2 ohms. Sounds as good as any four/five figure amp!


Just when I think you couldn't say anything more silly, you go and prove me wrong...

Firstly, we would have to assume you have heard every four/five figure amp available. You haven't. I'd feel safe in saying you have not heard even one.

Now that we've dismissed your trite comments.

Better is so subjective that the question becomes moot. A 20K dollar amp may only sound slightly better than a 2K one, but it's up to the end user to determine if that amount of improvement is worth the 10 fold price increase. Some people pay big bucks for that last 1% of performance. And who are we to say they are wrong? 

On a smaller scale I have paid a lot for what some would consider a minor difference over what the thing replaced. But to me it was enough of a difference to warrant the cash outlay. To each his own.
