More convinced of analog than ever

Wednesday night I went to my local high end shop's "Music Matters" open house, which featured six meticulously set up listening rooms highlighting the best and brightest offerings from Wilson, Transparent, Audio Research, Ayre, Magnepan, Peachtree, B&W, Classe, Rotel, etc., with factory reps to introduce their products and innovations.

There were unmistakable improvements in reproduction of redbook CD, with jitter reduced to near zero, and holographic reproduction of images, soundstages, and the minute signals that indicate instrument resonance and hall ambience.

And yet... and yet... when the demos shifted from redbook to the new downloadable hi-rez digital formats in 24/88.2 and 24/96, there was an unmistakable jump in resolution around the edges of the notes, of sounds swelling, resonating, and decaying, of greater verisimilitude.

But compared to the turntable demos, I'd say the 24-bit digital got me about 80% there, whereas LP playback closed the gap completely. Once the LPs started spinning, there was a collective relaxed "aaaahhh" that went through the audience. It wasn't because of dynamic compression. Far from it, the Ayre prototype turntable was strikingly dynamic with a subterranean noise floor.

The sense of ease and relaxation I attribute to a sudden drop in listener fatigue. The LP-source music had so much more of what makes music musical. We didn't have to work nearly as hard to rectify the ear-brain connection as with even the best of 24-bit digital, which was still significantly better than redbook. The redbook playback always reminded me that I was listening to "hi-fi," even when played through multi-thousand dollar players from ARC and Ayre.

Even my local Brit-oriented Rega/Naim dealer asserts that the latest CD players rival or exceed LP playback.

I say nay.

What say you?

Showing 1 response by cerrot

I have a pretty decent digital rig (Esoteric X03 SE) and enjoy random playlists through the Squeezebox/Benchmark DAC - it is a treat to just hear hours of great music without getting up-and it does sound awesome, but there is just something extra special about vinyl. No big expensive turn table (VPI Jr, modded, w/Benz Glider & decent phono stage) BUT vinyl is just more involving. I have some great CD (and SACD) recordings which do narrow the gap, but once you put an LP on and cue it up, it's just...better. I love my CD/SB and do play alot but when I want to hear a great musical presentation, it's vinyl. It's a pain, and takes time to clean a disc, and you need to check set up at times but there is a real diference.

I fought getting a CD player for years and then ws given a Yamaha CD player - I remember buying CD's of all my vinyl - now I am looking for vinyl of all my CD's.

I will agree that an inexpensive (ok, cheap) TT (the mainstream garbage people think are turn tables-complete with USB output) won't rival an expensive CD player--but a properly set up decent turntable with a good cartridge/phono stage will easilly rival a multi-thousand dollar CD rig. Hey, there's a ton of posts touting the Oppo CD player - if it makes you happy, go for it, but has anyone actually compared the Oppo to a CD rig costing a few grand more? The key is "properly set up TT". It's not just plug and play. Spend some time and get it right and it's...magical.