Morch DP-8 arm on a Helix Two turntable

Hello everyone. I am exploring putting a Morch DP-8 tonearm on a Helix Two turntable. I would like opinions from people who own the DP-8 specifically on how easy is to calibrate, how is its tracking and how accurate are the low frequencies. What is your accompanied cartridge(s)? I assume your system is capable of reproducing accurately instruments below 50Hz. Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond.

Showing 3 responses by vassilis_t

Thank you all for the great and sincere input. You have helped me make a decision. It is greatly appreciated. Stay safe and happy listening.
My original approach was to try and minimize the initial acquisition cost by using a less expensive tonearm than the Schroder CB11 or CB9. I used to have the UP4 long time ago, it was good and liked the interchangeable armtubes. However, I was apprehensive of the DP8 design and compatibility with the Helix Two. Finally, I decided to use the Ikeda IT345 CR1 short tonearm that I have on hand to start with and get a second armboard pre-drilled for the CB11. I will buy the CB11 at a later point when the financials allow and if deemed necessary. It is important for me to be able to change on the fly cartridges as I have multiple cartridges that I like to listen to (Skala, Frog, Orpheus and A90). Just for reference, the rest of the system is Ypsilon (Phono and Integrated amp), B&W 801 S3 Matrix and Yamaha NS 5000 speakers, Ideon Ayazi DAC and cabling from Ypsilon and FM Acoustics. All the best to all and thanks for the lively discussion.