Moon 700i vs 400M

Hi guys, do any of you have or did own a 700i V2 or the 400M monoblocks? I was wondering how the SQ was comparing the two.
Thanks, Ray


I own the 400M monoblocks...

I have listened to the Moon's 240i, 340i and 600i integrated and the 330A and 400M amps.

I specifically selected the monoblocks over the 700i because I listen to music louder than most. 

The guidance I was provided by my dealer and reinforced by the Moon rep was 700i provides a bit more detail and finese; while the 400M has the power and punch.  (i.e. 400M has a mullet and the 700i is wearing a suit).

Moon has a trade-up program; so if you buy the M400s they will accept them in for 100% of the retail price within 1 year and 75% within 2 years to trade-up.  To me buying the 400M was a risk free proposition

I do often listen at 55-60 on the volume dial (out of 80) I am pleased with the detail and dynamics - it was significant upgrade over my McIntosh MC-302


Cripes why do you listen so loud. My ears hurt just thinking about it. Get some new speakers. 

@jc51373 New Speakers?  

And I like it loud - I used to spend a lot of time around cannons and explosions.

Hmmm, well for now I'm going for an integrated...unless I come into some sort of windfall, lol.

I've listened to their integrated amplifiers and I think they have some excellent options.

My experiences with Moon started with a DAC and I think the 390 is an excellent item - it's full-featured with a quality DAC/streamer and phono stage housed within a solid preamp.