One thing that I’ve noticed is that if something sounds bad it can put me in a bad mood so that I don’t enjoy the following things I play.
Last night, listening before I went to bed, I was convinced there was something radically wrong with my system. Nothing sounded good. This morning I decided to play something I was sure would sound good. All of a sudden my mood picked up. Now everything I heard after that was reference sound quality.
I wonder if anyone else has had that kind of mood swing from one day to the next.
Showing 5 responses by rvpiano
“a poorly recorded first song left a bad taste for all that followed” @cdc “Did you play the same music the next morning?” Not at first but soon thereafter. |
In general, I really like the way my speakers sound the way they are. My friend who has the same speakers listens near field. They don’t sound nearly as good. It’s just those times when I hear a bad recording and it sets me off into critical mode that I have problems. I listen to orchestral music mostly. |
+2 @baylinor |