I am fortunate in not having wide mood swings and/or in not having them effect how music sounds to me. But I have no musical skill in hearing or performance… none, whatso ever. When in high school my best friend was getting into guitars… I kept trying to play. I could not tune a guitar. I could play with a single string and never tell when it was in tune with the others. If someone was playing a guitar, I could tell if it was not tuned… but that was it. I have no skill or talent in creating any kind of music.
Last night, listening before I went to bed, I was convinced there was something radically wrong with my system. Nothing sounded good. This morning I decided to play something I was sure would sound good. All of a sudden my mood picked up. Now everything I heard after that was reference sound quality.
I wonder if anyone else has had that kind of mood swing from one day to the next.