Montreal Audio Show - anyone hear the FR30’s?

I heard they made a big splash and received applause but wondering if anyone here had the oppty this weekend to hear them ? 


Showing 1 response by jonwatches1

Real question: Can someone explain why speaker manufacturers can’t be bothered to create true 8 ohm speakers at say, at least 90 db efficiency?  It’s just driver choice and engineering

That part of speaker design seems unforgivably lazy to me at the high end (let’s say $5,000+ speakers). Can’t these folks create something that lets users be more creative on their amplification?

Not everything needs to work with a 10 wpc SET - but why can’t makers build speakers that can run on amps weighing 40 pounds, instead of 100? - huge customer problem, hi-end is dying because of it (hi-end is still dying. TTs and headphones are healthy). No one wants to deal with that nonsense any more. It’s part of why the industry can’t attract younger enthusiasts (anyone who thinks the problem with hi end and young people is cost, are kidding themselves. 30 and under have crazy spending power.  Go to a watch auction sometime and see people spend real money. Go try and buy a 911 GT3 and find out lead times)

Sports car makers don’t try and sell 5,000 lb cars anymore 

Please, thoughts and explanations appreciated!