Monster Regret!!

Good morning to the community!  Years ago, when I was much younger and a whole lot dumber, I bought into all the Monster cable hype.  I even went as far as purchasing their Monster Power AVS 2000 voltage stabilizer and HTS 5000 reference power center.  I’m currently saving my ducats for a PS Audio DirectStream Power Plant 15 and intend to install a dedicated line shortly. 

I am listening to Martin Logan 11As driven by PS Audio BHK 300 monoblocks.  I have the amps connected via a normal 120v home outlet.  My question, should I use the Monster Power stuff for my speakers, pre/pro, etc. or go to another outlet directly to the components? 


Many thanks!  


Showing 1 response by sts100

I have a pair of Emotiva XPR-1's They require a dedicated 20 amp. circuit to reach full potential. Tried them both on a single 15 amp circuit first and then on dedicated 20 amp circuit.Even at low listening levels the dedicated circuit sounded better.Also what is a fellow to do as most power conditioners I can afford only have a 15 amp input. I'll tell you what, plug the suckers into the dedicated 20 amp circuit, like the manufacturer suggests and be done with it. Lol.