Monster Regret!!

Good morning to the community!  Years ago, when I was much younger and a whole lot dumber, I bought into all the Monster cable hype.  I even went as far as purchasing their Monster Power AVS 2000 voltage stabilizer and HTS 5000 reference power center.  I’m currently saving my ducats for a PS Audio DirectStream Power Plant 15 and intend to install a dedicated line shortly. 

I am listening to Martin Logan 11As driven by PS Audio BHK 300 monoblocks.  I have the amps connected via a normal 120v home outlet.  My question, should I use the Monster Power stuff for my speakers, pre/pro, etc. or go to another outlet directly to the components? 


Many thanks!  


Showing 4 responses by robert_1

geoffkait23,102 posts07-02-2020 8:52amI was at dinner in Vegas with Noel Lee, Bob Crump and John Curl back in 2000, I recall he suggested I use an accelerometer to measure seismic vibes for my sub hertz platform, which is obviously a very good idea. I was just happy to be there, it was my first rodeo. 🤠

back in the days I used to buy mostly Monster cables, but I completely stopped patronizing Noel and his company after he got gun happy with so many "trademark oppositions" and a few lawsuits that had not merit. he actually did some damage to a couple of small companies that were trying to us "Monster" as part of their brand name. I remember reading about it and getting disgusted. He was a "Bully". It became so much of an issue that he actually had to defend himself with a response in Audioholics. The only thing that stopped him was his sound defeat after he sued his ex business partner  "Beats". He was ordered to pay millions of dollars. The funny thing was, this time the suit has nothing to do with patent infringements.

Same thing with Sony. I stopped buying Sony products after the heavy handed approach with lawsuits for copyright infringement the company started using geared toward young kids and their parents. It caused a very negative market response. They should had geared their efforts toward the big and medium companies and individuals that were ripping them off with illegal copying of their music, instead they went for the jugular of some kids. that was pathetic.     
@ roberttdid 
yes. I do remember. wasn't it the owner of Blue jeans cable? I think that I am wrong, but probably someone else might remember who the actual lawyer was. I remember when lee went against  against monster mini golf and Monster transmissions. also Pixar's Monster Inc. there were so many that it wasn't funny anymore; basically he went after anything/anyone that included the word "monster" in it. What a prick.
@geoffkait : Nah! Most likely a Monster wanna be inside Monster Cable's jeans.
@geoffkait : No. it's no story (s). Google him and lawsuits. I never said it was the owner of BJC. What I said was as a question: that since I didn't remember who the lawyer actually was that I though that it might have been the owner of BJC. I also asked for someone that might remember who the lawyer was.