Monster Regret!!

Good morning to the community!  Years ago, when I was much younger and a whole lot dumber, I bought into all the Monster cable hype.  I even went as far as purchasing their Monster Power AVS 2000 voltage stabilizer and HTS 5000 reference power center.  I’m currently saving my ducats for a PS Audio DirectStream Power Plant 15 and intend to install a dedicated line shortly. 

I am listening to Martin Logan 11As driven by PS Audio BHK 300 monoblocks.  I have the amps connected via a normal 120v home outlet.  My question, should I use the Monster Power stuff for my speakers, pre/pro, etc. or go to another outlet directly to the components? 


Many thanks!  


Showing 1 response by mcmvmx

No matter what it is your testing or considering for your audio system , always hear before commiting and let your ears and TASTE make the final decision .

Take your time . Listen while you are relax and in a good mood . Sometimes that which might be considered a small and subtle difference on long term listening might actually be ( because of our ears incredible hearing acuity ) very audible . 

But the bottom line is to take your desicion based on your ears and taste 
On the subject of equipment design to protect your investment there are many on the market that will do it . As long as it doesn't have detrimental effect on the sound your'll be ok . Many even makes your system sound better . I've never personally tried a Monster Cable line conditioner or protector but have talk to some buddies who have which I trust and all say they work and don't have a negative impact on the sound . 

So as long as they protect and that is what your looking for Monster is ok . To finish I would like to recommend what I use which not only has protected my system but has cause a large step forward in sound quality for all the pieces in my system including my power amplifier . It is a Richard Grey product . if you can audition one of their products do so . By what I've read they don't always work for a better sound ( system dependent ) but when they do owners are extremely satisfied . Take care .