Mono recordings - two questions...

1) While I have been an analog fan since the 70's, I never ventured into mono recordings... from an audiophile perspective, how does one listen to mono recordings?  For example, does 'imaging/soundstage depth' matter and is it accomplished through a well-mic'd mono recording?  Obviously tonal balance, impact, resolution are all qualities that should shine through...

2) Would appreciate recommendations of well recorded MONO LP's -- recently bought a Julie London LP in mono it sounded surprisingly nice/natural... not so hot as many later stereo pop recordings...  my musical preference would be for vocals in pop, jazz and soul/r & b realms... in modern artists I would equate these to Diana Krall, Gregory Porter, Adele, Kurt Elling, Sam Smith, M Buble etc etc - 

Thanks in advance
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Showing 3 responses by tablejockey

Julie London "Julie is her Name" 
1955 blue label first press

This album is one of my desert island records. I play it every few months. Mono recordings from the 50-60's are superior to just about anything. 

Of course this is just my opinion.

Seek these to start-
Ella Fitzgerald:Let no Man Write my Epitaph
Clap Hands, here comes Charlie
Look for Verve, pre MGM press

Billie Holliday-All or Nothing at All
Body and Soul
Lady Sings the Blues
Look for Verve, pre MGM press

Nancy Wilson: Nancy Wilson/Cannonball Adderly
Nancy Wilson/George Shearing:Swingins Mutual
Rainbow label press

These albums are so great, I can almost  do without my Beatles/Stones/Zep...

bdp24-good reminder how great the early mono  Beach Boys albums sound. I have the first 6, which I think are the essential for any BB fan.

Just thought I'd mention I played that Julie London album while having dinner, and I've fallen in love(again) with her.
Something interesting- on "Cry me a River", during the outro where she repeats "I cried a river over you", during  the 2nd from the last verse, some  ham fisted engineer cranked the reverb knob...oops! 

That album is a perfect example why mono is king. I've taken this album to shows and played it on uber systems...breathtaking.

Julie's cover of "Laura" is beautiful. As mentioned in an earlier post, I repeatedly fall in love with Julie when I play the album.

I have to agree with an article  I read about her. Julie's voice and delivery say...come hither.  Va-va-voom!