MONO Cartridge Stylus Shape: WHAT? WHEN?

Some want 'best'.

My approach is not 'best' but to get the true advantages of playing Mono LP's with a Mono Cartridge. So far it's going well

I started with a Grado MI Elliptical Mono, currently using for Mono Jazz, early and late 50's., some earlier 40's.

Then, why not: I had VAS put boron/advanced stylus shape on an AT-33 MC Mono Body for alternate 'advanced stylus' mono. Haven't used it yet.

I see some Spherical Mono Cartridges for sale, including some for a lot of $.


How do we know which era of Mono LP's grooves and which Stylus Shape is 'best' for them?????

IOW, an advanced stylus shape is just 'wrong' for this era of mono groove shape?

Is elliptical ok (just not best) for LP's where Spherical is 'proper'?

How much of a compromise is using Elliptical for all Mono LP's for instance?

thanks in advance as always for your contributions, Elliott


Showing 1 response by noromance

Not sure if this helps. From Miyajima Labs.

Stylus size of Zero MONO $2250

0.7mil is suitable for reissue monaural LP and a monaural LP of after 1960.

1.0mil is suitable for the monaural LP of a deep groove of the first press of the 1950s.

However, both styli can trace the monaural LP of all generations without a problem. When you listen to the monaural LP of all generations, we recommend 0.7mil.

When you listen to a monaural LP of the first press of the 1950s mainly, we recommend 1.0mil