OP congrats ! i have heard various Lyra in about ten systems now, they have yet to disappoint. Please do let us know how it works out for you.
Mono cartridge recommendation
Ok, so tomorrow, my TNT will be getting a new baby brother. I'd like to get a mono cartridge for it, my budget for now is up to $1K, less is better but not strictly necessary.
I'm open to MC, MI, or MM carts, but I generally prefer MCs. My Herron VTPH-2A can handle pretty much anything. I also have a few SUTs too to play around with.
I tend to gravitate toward extremely neutral cartridges, so that's a consideration. I know everyone's system is different and will have different opinions on what constitutes neutral.
I have a couple of tonearms of various masses, so matching shouldn't be an issue. I've seen ATs, Hanas, Ortofons, and a few others in that range, but I don't have an opportunity to audition any of them before purchase.
My system:
Phono preamp: Herron VTPH-2A
Preamp: Balanced Audio Technology VK-30SE
Amp: Bryston 4B SST2
Speakers Magnepan 1.7i
Among other things...
I'm hoping the collective intelligence of the group will help me find a good match. So, what are your impressions of various mono cartridges in this price range?
I'm open to MC, MI, or MM carts, but I generally prefer MCs. My Herron VTPH-2A can handle pretty much anything. I also have a few SUTs too to play around with.
I tend to gravitate toward extremely neutral cartridges, so that's a consideration. I know everyone's system is different and will have different opinions on what constitutes neutral.
I have a couple of tonearms of various masses, so matching shouldn't be an issue. I've seen ATs, Hanas, Ortofons, and a few others in that range, but I don't have an opportunity to audition any of them before purchase.
My system:
Phono preamp: Herron VTPH-2A
Preamp: Balanced Audio Technology VK-30SE
Amp: Bryston 4B SST2
Speakers Magnepan 1.7i
Among other things...
I'm hoping the collective intelligence of the group will help me find a good match. So, what are your impressions of various mono cartridges in this price range?