Mono blocks-High current/low impedance...options?

Purchased Green Mountain Continuum 3's. Have been tube SET/single driver guy for the last few years...Need starting point for research required to match amplification to new speakers. Thanks in advance for your help! Ralph
Ag insider logo xs@2xralphdude

Showing 4 responses by jmcgrogan2

Ralphdude, sorry, it looks like your thread got hijacked.
BTW, how did you make out? Did you get any real information?

Clayton Audio M-100 monoblocks. Great SS amps. Definitely high current/low impedance capable.

Hi Ralph,

Actually I had success with tube and solid state preamps with the M-100's. I would avoid tube preamps with high output impedence like CJ's though (700 ohms). Tube pre's with output impedence at or below 300 ohms, like BAT worked as well or better with the M-100's than the solid state preamps from Threshold/Krell/Mark Levinson that I tried with them.
