Monitors for a bedroom system.......

Hi guys, I always like the great advice I get here. I am setting up a bedroom system for the 30-45 minutes it takes me to fall asleep. I tend to play ambient stuff to help me nod off. Anything with great, deep soundstage, clarity, neutrality? The speakers have to have presence at low volumes. In fact, they only need to play at low volumes. Placement restrictions will force them to sit about 6 inches from the wall. I can spend about $2000 used.
I wasnt thinking when I sold my Nautilus 805's. Any suggestions??

Showing 4 responses by s7horton

"$2000 is too much to spend for speakers for a bedroom system, given that you will be listening while lying straight out in bed."

Well, maybe not for this person. Everyone is different financially. I think the 805's would be an excellent choice. Although, you should be able to grab the new 805S for about that same price. Even better than the nautilus 805. The other one I would suggest is the Revel M20, or the newer Revel M22. Because of the rear porting and the quite volumes, and close wall placement, the bass should be reinforced nicely.
Marco, thanks for the response. Cause, you know, 75 grand and 2 grand are almost the same. And rooms are similar too. You know, the crapper, a big mirror, hard surface floor, you see a lot of bedrooms like that. Thanks for your post, it was quite insightful, and added alot.

Answer me this, with a simple yes or no..

Would the Kharmas sound better than the Bose? If the answer is yes, you just validated my point.
Rich, good speakers will still sound good no matter where you are in the room. Maybe not ideal, but I'd rather listen off axis to a pair B&W 805S speakers than I would Silverlines, or Von Scheikert VR1's. As far as your statement about reading about the nautilus might be beneficial to hear the B&W's to form an opinion. I have owned N805, Sig 805, and 805S, and never have I felt that they had to be played loud to sound good. For reference, I've also spent time with Silverlines, and I've owned Von Scheikert VR1's.

Here's my point.. if he's got money, and wants to spend it, who are we to stop him? Second, if you can afford it, I say it will sound better, EVEN lying down in bed. People that think listening is only available in the sweet spot aren't utilizing their systems to their fullest potential.

Third, what if the system gets moved, or the poster buys a new house and can have a master suite that would support a listener type environment? He's already a step ahead.
Rich, point well taken. However I think you are I are arguing two different arguements. Sort of. I still feel that you would "get your money's worth" spending the 2k, as the speakers he mentions are quite good, and will sound better (even in his listening position) than a cheaper, worse sounding (in the case of the audiophile) set of speakers. I think that you and I percieve value differently. I say spend as much as you can on the speakers. Experimentation, of course, is the only thing will yeild results anyway.