Monitor speaker that will stop the Quest?

There's a great thread, "Speakers to hold onto for life".
The overwhelming consenses is that they're fullrange speakers.
How about us monitor speaker fans? What monitor speaker
do you own or plan on purchasing that will indeed stop
the quest for a better speaker, or to hang on to for life.

Showing 3 responses by pubul57

Mer;in VSM-MXe - should stop the quest no matter what type of speaker you are looking for, unless you have a very large room and you want the presence of a orchestra; for most music in most domestic settings, I think they are the very best speakers available. The TSMs are also superb, if not with the same scale of the VSMs. You may want to look up the reviews in AudioReview and the review in Bound for Sound. Reviews may not mean everything, but I think you will be surprised by the number and consistently of assessment from hundreds of owners.
What is a monitor speaker? How are we defining it? Another wrod for bookshelf, or something else?
Well, then I stand I my belief that the Merlin VSMs are the best monitors ever made, though the "stand" is integrated into the speaker. My second choice would be the Harbeth HL5s which are wonderful indeed, but not quite is resolved and communicative in microdynamics as the Merlins. I can see someone liveing with either one for a long time with a great big smile on their face and not thinking twice about whether or not their speakers are "good" enough IMHO.