Monitor speaker recommendations

Hello all
Just looking for some of you to give me some ideas as a starting point.
I am in the market for some stand mount monitor speakers. I currently have my old PSB stratus gold i's. They are just too big for my new room. I will be driving the new speakers with Cary tube mono blocks rated at 75 w/ch.
While I realize the best method would be to audition a few, I live in a very rural area and will need to drive at least 4 hours to the nearest stereo shop, so I was hoping to get some suggestions before heading out. Budget is no more than $1,000.
Thanks all

Showing 2 responses by samac

As long as your rooms not huge I'd check out the B&W CM1, B&W 685, Paradigm Studio 10, Focal Chorus 706, Focal Chorus 806, Dynaudio Excite. Good luck. Have fun.
How long have the 602s been sitting? If it's been awhile and you have them on good stands set up well you might want to run them for a few days and let them settle in. You might have what your looking for in them. They are a great speaker.