Monitor Audio Platinum or Magico A3

I am looking to upgrade my Triangle Cellos.  My shortlist was  Magico A3, Triton Reference, Monitor PL300 II, I Magico S3 II, Dynaudio Contour 60,  Spendor D9, Canton K3, Focal Sopra.  (I have not auditioned the MA Platinum or the Dynaudio).

My shortlist now is: Monitor Audio Platinum II and Magico A3.  The Monitor Audio was a Stereophile Product of the year in 2017.  I listen to most music types  except Jazz and Country & Western.  

I would be interested to hear experiences about any of the speakers.  I have, as mentioned, auditioned but have not heard them in my own home.   TIA


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One thumbs up for Monitor Audio is the fact that they have been around a long time. Once a speaker manufacturer goes under, their product TUMBLES in price AND it can happen to anyone! (Wanna buy some Snell Type A 5's?). Joe