Monitor Audio GR10's? Dynaudio 52SE?

I am a pro audio guy in a hi fi world at the moment. I own several monitors, like the Dynaudio BM15A's, Dynaudio Air 20's and Adam S3A's. I have decided to finally build a home theater so I need some advice. I am looking for a pair of L R speakers first. I bought a pair of Dynaudio 50's... which I will be posting about in a seperate thread. I was thinking about using them as surrounds and getting a pair of 52se's for the front. Is it worthy to pay the extra for the SE? Any feelings about the GR10's? Thanks!
First question...on the SE version. Yes if you have the electronics and set-up to appreciate the difference. The SE does make improvements but only noticable in a side by side comparison with very good gear behind them.....the non SE are still awesome. The GR10? Not as smooth as Dynaudios but more exciting...IMO. I LOVE the GR10's myself. Easy to drive as well....dynaudios need more power to show their stuff and lets face it...that's not always practical.
I have a pair of Monitor Audio Bronze b2's in a small system in my basement. I am pleased with them in that system. I am currently considering replacing speakers in my main system, stereo music only. So I have been researching the gr10's and 20's. I listened to a pair of 10's last weekend at a dealer in Chicago. I was unimpressed with them. Their low end has more boom than bass. Their tweeter is good, detailed but not brash. For the money I feel there is much more to choose from in a monitor speaker. If you are interested be sure to listen to them before buying them.