Mola Mola Kula, anyone?

Just acquired one of these and am enjoying it a lot.  Great speed, transparency, and body.  Expansive and deep soundstage.  It can play with finesse and punch, effortlessly.  I was worried about the class D amplification before it arrived, but its performance put all that to rest.  I also have a Boulder 866 and actually find them more alike than different.  The built-in Tambaqui DAC is great, of course, but the pre/power amp combo is fantastic as well.  I also use it with a dCS Network Bridge and Paganini DAC, which I'm very familiar with, and the Kula really lets the dCS combo shine.  In fact, I prefer the sound this way vs the Tambaqui, but I think I'm turning into a bit of a dCS fanboy.

Any other owners out there?  What do you think?  I wonder how it compares to others in the price range as I'm just entering this territory.  D'Agostino Progression, Vitus RI-101 and SIA-025, Bel Canto Black ACI 600, T+A PA3100 HV come to mind.

I look forward to listening to it when I'm not around, which is a good sign, but time will tell if it's the one (as if such a thing exists).

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