Mofi Controversy

I agree that Mobile Fidelity should have been more upfront about their recording process. I have heard that there may be some class action lawsuits in the works. I have to ask what this will accomplish besides putting money in lawyers pockets and potentially driving Mobile Fidelity out of business? I have enjoyed many of their records and I  hope to do so in the future. 
Some of you probably feel that they should be punished for what they did and if you feel that way simply stop buying their records. A drop in sales would be a very strong message for any business.


Showing 1 response by deadhead1000

So you would be OK if a gas station told you it was high octane gas, charged you the high octane price and it was really low octane? I’d bet you’d be really angry.
It’s fraud. It doesn’t matter that you could not tell the difference, it’s fraud. It’s a crime.