Modified Lenco vs TW Raven

I have a TW Acustic Raven for a few years now. I made different upgrades along the last 3 years : new battery PSU and 3 motors in a round shape. I was thinking about the last upgrade (for me) : the BN platter and new bearing when I heard for the first time to modified Lenco by TJN. I read most of what there is to read for a non DIY, and there is a lot...
Before deciding if a make the jump I'd like to know if some in the community have made the same decision : I mean going from a top belt TT to a top idler wheel. I think of the ref models from Jean Nantais and tell me if they are happy now.
Thank you for helping

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..... new battery PSU and 3 motors in a round shape. I was thinking about the last upgrade (for me) : the BN platter and new bearing when I heard for the first time to modified Lenco by TJN. I read most of what there is to read for a non DIY, and there is a lot...
Before deciding if a make the jump I'd like to know if some in the community have made the same decision : I mean going from a top belt TT to a top idler wheel......

You can paint a stone with gold color but at the end of day it is a cheap stone with gold color. None of the named tables are TOP (maybe in the view of users who have no idea what is REALLY top) ... none of the named units are capable of reproducing a full range of audio frequencies in the right steps and recreating the original spectral balance and harmonic structure of the recorded material with almost 100% accuracy. Colored in one way or the other - or in several - based on inferior internal design "solutions", or simply done wrong. Let's say, you look for a new toy, then those are the right ones...
I'm not a skilled man but it gives me will to try this road myself too....

In a way, all depends what you want or expect. Maybe High End? That's difficult, because someone has to know what High End is.
It can be an endless discussion because everyone has his own opinion about it, but I found a very good comment about it from Gordon Holt (founder from Stereophile) in 2007:

Do you still feel the high-end audio industry has lost its way in the manner you described 15 years ago?
Not in the same manner; there's no hope now. Audio actually used to have a goal: perfect reproduction of the sound of real music performed in a real space. That was found difficult to achieve, and it was abandoned when most music lovers, who almost never heard anything except amplified music anyway, forgot what "the real thing" had sounded like. Today, "good" sound is whatever one likes.
Since the only measure of sound quality is that the listener likes it, that has pretty well put an end to audio advancement, because different people rarely agree about sound quality.

I think, he is way too negative :-) and he missed definitely the new Marketing Concept, which is very successful and has a LOT of fanatical followers....
Black Lemon Marketing

Each his own
So apart from Syntax’s ongoing personal vendetta against Thomas Woschnick and his TW Acustic Company

Well, just between you and me, and I write this slowly, please read it slowly, too:
I have no personal vendetta against TW. You write this nonsense all over again like a broken record. Both we know very well, that I forgot more about high quality analog reproduction than you will ever learn.
Dev, Inshore and others wrote much more about their "experiences" with various TW products and YOU (and some others) never got it. Instead you (and some of the TW community) write that I have a personal conflict.
When I remember right, my only comment about Raven AC was that it sounds black and heavy. This ironic comment created a reaction from you where you wrote you will attack me for the rest of your life because I wrote that about one of your units. I have no problem with that, but I seriously think, you are sick when you create a personal conflict about a technical unit.
And next, the Time Line Speed test with the Seiki, I explained a few times here at Agon why the laser point is not clearly seen at every rotation (it is based on the camera frame per second), a few agreed in that thread about this. Except you, for whatever reason. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with you but you should seriously start thinking about yourself.
And my last sentences, specially for you and I hope you get it now:
I have no conflict with TW, never had and never will. I write about technical observations which have a sonic result. When you can't handle that, then you are wrong in an open US forum where everyone has the right to post his personal opinion. To ruin someones reputation that way is done usually in socialist states. When you like that way, go there.