Modified equipment...

I want feedback on buying/selling modified equipment. Do think mods devalue gear or add value in some cases? Don't you think you're better off leaving a piece of gear stock as it came from the factory and just upgrading to a better component altogether??

Showing 1 response by marakanetz

I've modified my Rega RB300 tonearm with Incognito kit spending additional $400. Original arm price is $425.
1. I can only sell this arm for $400(+-) loosing more than half of my investment(basically mods only giving arm free)
2. It's still Rega arm that doesn't give you desirable high end adjustment options. It will be still Rega even if you will thread through SME tonearm wires or any other high performance wires.
3. The imaging had been greatly improved compared to the original arm but value had been decreased.

So what's the alternative?
Sell original Rega arm for $200~225 and get used SME309 for ~$800(there are bunch of excellent arms in that range becides SME) which is price of modified Rega with all adjustment options, greater performance and certainly better value.

In any other cases such as modyfying already engineered components through the company that did not manufacture them wasn't realy a value increase or a good investment.

Am I dumb after all?
-- Yes I am, but that's the audiogon forums are here for to let us fellows tell how dumb we are!

The moral is B4 mods think about aquiring a better component to compare the final values. ...sort of playing chess where you have to think 5-10 moves ahead.

Cheers, Mara