Modded Jolida JD100 versus SB Titanium HD computer

Wanted to share some notes on these two sources. I used a CD in the Jolida and an exact rip of the CD on the computer:

1. Modded Jolida JD100 tubed CD player

2. Sound Blaster Titanium HD computer

Amplifier is a Parasound HCA1000, no pre-amp (Parasound has level controls), speakers Dynaudio Contour 1.3's.

I noticed quite a difference. I was hoping it would be virtually the same, maybe it is the same but it's my imagination? The Jolida sounded much less bright, the SB sounded "sparkly" in comparison. The SB also sounded anemic in the bass, while the Jolida had nice "fat" bass. Could this be due to the output impedance of the Jolida not matching the Parasound amp's inputs? The SB sounded more detailed, and crisp, while the Jolida sounded less detailed, less like I was listening to a CD, I would describe it as more "rounded". Female vocals sounded more pronounced on the Jolida, while on the SB they sounded slightly more recessed. I'm not sure which one I prefer at the moment, would love to prefer the computer as it would make CD swapping, etc, a non-issue since I would rip my CD collection on my computer. - Tony

Showing 3 responses by lewhite

The only complaint er only two complaints with the jd100 was when it started skipping one night. First looked at the new AgN sight and found they had screwed up the search engine so I went to the Canuksight and found one close by. When I got up to look for a pencil I found I was sitting on the remote! The other complaint is with the face plate. . . its the wrong color!