Mmmm Crow tastes good...

So I have been anti subwoofer. And now I’m getting the hype (and maybe the vapors too).

I’m off all this week and remembered a crusty old subwoofer stashed in the dankest corner of my closet. Since the Quicksilver preamp I got a couple of months ago had a 2nd set of outputs I decided to put it on play.

this is a Pinnacle sub, 10” and 200 watts. I think I paid $129 on amazon a few years ago for home the water. Ironically it’s a sealed box implementation.

after a couple of hours of messing with it I think I have it fairly well integrated. I’ll have to make sure it’s not killing my neighbors. It’s not an audiophile sub but it really does add to the enjoyment of my patchwork system.

I do notice that, as with my stand mounts, there less bass at my siting position vs standing in the same spot. So I’ll have to figure out what’s going on with that.

But yeah, assuming I’m not blowing out my neighbors I’ll sincerely consider 2 good subs.

Showing 1 response by perkri


Not easy your situation (an understatement). From what you have written describing your life, I get the sense that "simple pleasures" come at a cost that goes beyond the funds required to facilitate.

REL suggests that when positioning a sub, you are to start with putting the sub in your listening position and then move yourself around the room until the sub sounds "right" to you.

Thats where you are supposed to start with the placement of the sub.

Re: neighbors. Perhaps just plat loud music when they are asleep. That way, they wont hear you...