Mmmm Crow tastes good...

So I have been anti subwoofer. And now I’m getting the hype (and maybe the vapors too).

I’m off all this week and remembered a crusty old subwoofer stashed in the dankest corner of my closet. Since the Quicksilver preamp I got a couple of months ago had a 2nd set of outputs I decided to put it on play.

this is a Pinnacle sub, 10” and 200 watts. I think I paid $129 on amazon a few years ago for home the water. Ironically it’s a sealed box implementation.

after a couple of hours of messing with it I think I have it fairly well integrated. I’ll have to make sure it’s not killing my neighbors. It’s not an audiophile sub but it really does add to the enjoyment of my patchwork system.

I do notice that, as with my stand mounts, there less bass at my siting position vs standing in the same spot. So I’ll have to figure out what’s going on with that.

But yeah, assuming I’m not blowing out my neighbors I’ll sincerely consider 2 good subs.

Showing 9 responses by gochurchgo

Yeah I need to do the crawl. To be honest I didn’t expect to get it to integrate well so I’m surprised to even get this far.

my biggest thing about subs is 
A. Apartment living. Though I live in the ground floor I’m sure my upstairs neighbor is getting it.
B. Integration. It’s good me thinks but not perfect. I’m just doing it by ear but it’s cohesive regardless of whether it’s Bunny Wailer or Napalm Death. So it’s a start.
I’ll look into the SVS footers. I moved the sub further down the front wall away from the listening position after I noticed that, when walking past the sub the area directly in front of the driver (front firing) there was less bass there. Now it’s 2 feet further away and it’s a little more level between sitting and standing. 
Learning is fun.
I know that living in an apartment means I’m white trash in relation to those who post here. But this is the reality of my life.

i was married and when our daughter was born it was discovered she had developmental disabilities. Hearing that my wife packed and left and decided she didn’t want to be a mom. Having a disabled child means hospitals, doctors and therapies for most of not the entirety of their life.

i have degrees but I also work 14-18 hours a day, 6 days a week between my 2 jobs and some side work. For reference, my daughter’s therapies cost $3k per month in addition to her schooling and medical care. Never mind rent, electric, car insurance, food and gas. I make too much for Section 8 housing. So I’m left to make it work however I can.

Under previous administrations I could write off the therapies and medical costs on my taxes which helped a bit but under the current administration that was terminated leaving me to pay for everything and applicable taxes as anyone would.

For reference, I made a combined $63k last year and we live in a dumpy apartment. So it’s not like I fly tall. I drive a sh*tty car which thankfully has been mostly reliable.

So apartment living is my reality. Big F’ing deal. I make it all work somehow. I’m fairly certain many here wouldn’t last 6 months in my world. So yeah, I try to put together a hifi that makes me happy. If I get 4 hours a week to sit and relax, I want to hear some records played back sounding nice. Even in an apartment.
@atmasphere  I’m playing around with moving the sub out front he wall. It’s currently placed to the right of the right speaker approximately 8” from
the front wall. The sidewall on that side is 13’ away. I’m pondering moving the sub to the left side a couple feet from the corner but doe to the cords that’s a PITA. I might try that tomorrow.

When I stand at the sitting position the bass sounds good and a touch punchy. When is sit there’s still mid bass but the lower end seems to roll off. I’m thinking some sort of wall mounted bass absorption on the back wall might fix the null. Maybe?

I’m going to get my hands on some 2x4’s after the holidays and get some rock wool, stretch fabric over it and have my daughter paint something on it then hang it. That will be cool.
I had a few hours to myself and I was playing with the sub some more. It occurs to me that my current speakers aren’t voiced to bring what I’m looking for (not just bass but also warmth and clarity). 
So I was talking with an acquaintance who said I should look at Canton (9.2) and Dynaudio Special 40.
It’s not like I’m buying speakers this year or next but for the fun of it, has anyone heard either of these?
@osiris369 I’m definitely not anti-DSP. If I had a system that was mostly giving me what I wanted I’d definitely look at DSP to tie the room together.
@perkri I’ve been meaning to do that. I need a longer cable and with Christmas fast approaching I’m not sure when I’ll get to it.

it was mentioned about switching phase which I dismissed as it was set to 0 (on the front wall) but going to 180 made a big diff. The void directly in front of the sub I mentioned is now gone. I also set the crossover to about 75hz and I think it blends pretty good. From Ben Webster to Napalm Death to Skinny Puppy to DJ Shadow it’s seems like there’s no sub running until I unplug it.

I do still walk the room as I worry about loading a part that pisses the neighbor off. So far so good. It’s a small victory but I’ll take it. Plus I haven’t had this much time to listen to music in years.
So it seems. Lear to me now I have a null. I only get the nice bass drum hit when my head is all the way back against the wall. No bueno.

with the sub on the front wall I get the same as I do though the mains. If I move 3ft left of the couch which puts me right in the opening to the short hallway the bass is ridiculous. Deep and taught like a....well I don’t know what. At the sitting position it’s warmer but more or less the same as with no sub.

i ordered a cheap 30’ rca cable to do a crawl when I had time but for S & G’s I moved the sub to the right of the couch. After maybe an hour I can get the punchiness and mostly make it not sound like I’m sitting next to it.

For whatever reason this has my psyche in a tizzy as I now question even buying new speakers at some point (which I had built up on my mind as the antidote to the perceived problem). It also bothers me that I need a sub to get in the ballpark of the sound in my head. Don’t ask me why. It’s dumb I agree.

so continued reading seems to leave 2 more potential options.
A. Put my big boy pants on and open my mind to a sub/subs, do the crawl and see how to maybe use a front wall and rear wall placement to work things out. Also pray that I won’t have to move anytime soon and the I’ll always be on the bottom level.
B. Grab that IKEA  2x4 shelf I have laying around and see if some sort of bokkcase can deflect/defuse enough waves to maybe reduce/eliminate the null.

i don’t know.

i welcome any insight.

also, I moved the sitting position  up to 38% and it sounded really good (no sub) and even better at 50%. I don’t have WAF issues but it’s not super workable unless I move the damn couch to those positions when I’m alone (which is not often).