MM vs. MC

If I was looking at a Grado Reference Platinum cartridge, to be played on a VPI Scout & JMW9 tonearm with a Musical fidelity phono stage, How high a quality MC cart and phono stage would I need to better the sound? I have ordered the Scout but am strugling on the cartridge, is MC better?, and if so is the high output MC better than the Grado Platinum, or the Grado Sonata. I only have so much cash, the VPI was $1500.00 the Qunex 3 cable was $150.00 so I have $800.00 left this go around. Any suggestions on the cart, would be great, I have an internal phono stage in my X-150 but it's an MM with 2.5 mv so a lower output MC would require an external phono stage, if this is the way to go, any suggestions on a low output MC and external Phono stage for $800.00 that will be better than the Sonata through the X-150....Help!

Showing 1 response by slipknot1

The dynavector DV20X HO at 2.5mv is a very nice match for the JMW 9 arm, and a very good bargain at the 550.00 new price range.

If you have 800.00 left to spend on a low output MC AND phono stage, you will be forced to make too many dollar concessions that will, in the long run, prevent you from truely enjoying the magic the Scout is capable of.

If I am not mistaken, the Sumiko Blackbird is also available in an HO version. That would eat up your entire 800.00 but many folks have reported success with that cart and the JMW arm.

I personally, shy away from the Grados due to the infamous "Grado hum" some folks are plagued by. If you get it, it can be tough to cure.