MM, MC, or MI cartridge

Can somebody briefly describe the difference in the sonic characteristics of these types of cartridge, if possible?

I’ve never had a MC and I’m wondering what difference it would make.


Showing 7 responses by inna

Dynamics and tonality are two most important things to create an illusion of real performance.

Upgrade turntable first, tonearm second, phono stage third and cartridge forth.

You will need thousands for a great MC and phono to match it. Often phono stage should be double the cost of the cartridge, or more.

I hope I saved you a lot of money. Your cartridge is good.

rvpiano, you probably mean that you want analogue to be very quiet. That's a lot of effort, beginning with finding the best pressings.


rvpiano, that's good. Now ask us about upgrading your table and arm and phono stage. You will get recommendations of almost all available brands, guaranteed. 

Yup, two arms and two cartridges, one or two tables. That's the way for many. More than two is a little extravagant but why not ?

I personally don't need it but I don't listen to large scale music. Good for me or I would have to completely overhaul my entire system. Only couple of cables would remain where they are now. I don't chase extreme resolution and transparency either or I would want $10k MC and $20k phono stage, not to mention the rest of the chain.