MM Cartridge Recommendation

Hello Everyone, 
Over the past year I've been slowly building up my first system and have just recently upgraded my turntable to a Clearaudio Concept w/ Satisfy Carbon arm.  

My current total system is as follows:
- Belles Aria [Integrated w/ MM phono] 
- B&W 705 [original series from 2004 stand mounts w/ matching stands]
- Clearaudio Concept w/ Satisfy Carbon tonearm 
- Ortofon 2M Black MM cartridge 

Overall I've been very happy with my system especially working within a reasonable budget.  
The Clearaudio has also been a great upgrade from my original entry level [U-Turn Orbit] turntable. 
I bought it used with the 2M Black already mounted, and it is very smooth/neutral sounding with a lot of detail. 
However, at times I find it almost too neutral.

Would anyone have recommendations on another MM cartridge to pair with my existing system?
I'm still trying to determine if I may like another sound better [perhaps more warmth or even just comparison for a different sound] as I explore and still learn what sounds I like. 

I know many people prefer MC, however at this time I do not want to add a MC phono preamp to my system.   
I'd consider HOMC [ie Hana cartridge] but I'm not sure if they would work within my exiting Belles Aria MM system?

My budget is ~$800. 
My preference is to buy new however would consider an easily accessible used [I just don't want to have to search for some obscure hard to find cartridge].  

Also please keep in mind that I am still new to this hobby so am by no means an expert in cartridge setup & alignment. 

Any advice or feedback is really appreciated! 




Showing 2 responses by knotscott

I didn’t find the Nagaoka MP carts anymore difficult to setup than any other cart. The MP500 weighs about 8 grams. The line contact stylus is more sensitive to VTA and alignment than conicals and ellipticals in general, but that’s more the nature of the LC profile than having the Nagaoka logo. They do seem to take a while to break in fully.  Either way, it’s a well rewarded endeavor.

I put a Nagaoka JN-P500 stylus on an MP150 body... its not the recommended upgrade, and not quite at the level of a true MP500, but it’s sounds like I’ve wanted all my previous carts to sound. Lush midrange clarity with lots of separation, and a huge soundstage. Treble is very refined, and detail is clean, precise, and very pleasing. Bass is dynamic and natural sounding, and micro dynamics are fast and explosive. No glaring flaws. Most importantly, it’s a very intriguing easy to listen to cart that sucks you into the performance.
Picking a cart is VERY subjective, and the synergy of a cart with any given system is a variable.  If a system is neutral to slightly warmish, a brighter cart can liven things up and sound great....but the same cart on a system that's already on the brighter side can make your ears bleed.  In many ways its a shot in the dark unless you have a good dealer nearby that will let you try them.  

It's helpful to know your system's traits well, and know what your preferences are.  Do you prefer brighter sound, or does treble emphasis make you cringe?  (that's partly why its so subjective)

Nagaoka  prices have been on the rise (along with many other things), but FWIW, I did spot some MP500s on Ebay directly from Japan for ~ $791.  Price, and that "shot in the dark" syndrome is one of the reasons I tried a Nag MP150 let me try a good example of a Nag cart for ~ $300 to see if it was for me...then later opted for the MP500 stylus for an additional $257.  

Good luck with your search.