Miyabi 47 cartridge: How many hours does it last ?

I have an opportunity to buy a used Miyabi47 cartridge. What is the typical life expectancy of this cart, considering it is well maintained ? How many hours does it really sing without any significant deterioration ?

I remember reading somewhere it only does 1000 hours before starting to lose its magic :(. Is it true ?

Showing 3 responses by pani

Thanks for the input.

From what I remember reading, the Miyabi 47 cart starts to
lose the bounce in the music past 1000 hours and it is not
exactly the tip which gets worn out as much as the cantilever
which loses some of its properties. If that is the case then
where do we go ? Or could it be a one off case ?
You guys a superb combination of fun and information. So, it is clear that 1000 hours mark for a Miyabi cart is a good time to consult the doctor. Now, the next important topic could be, in the absence of Takeda san who else can do a good job of retipping ?
Thank you again Nandric and Syntax. Your words are giving me confidence to try out a Miyabi even though it might have done quite a few hours.

So, retipping might not be a problem, what about the cantilever itself ? As far as I know the original cantilever on the Miyabi47 and Miyabi standard is a special/secret recipe of aluminium alloy (correct me if I am wrong). If that requires any repair then ? Or is it that the cantilever normally doesnt require a replacement ?

One last request, if you do come across a Miyabi Standard or Miyabi47 in good condition for sale, please let me know at my email ID dr.basss@gmail.com