Mixed Results from My Hifi

Hi all, I'm looking to get a more consistent sound from my system. Some CD's sound great. No complaints, others pretty mediocre. Most Jazz and smaller production CD’s sound wonderful, detailed, airy, all that audiophile stuff. But mass produced pop and rock are almost unlistenable. I call it the “wall of sound” syndrome, compressed, digital, bleah. The latest releases from Sheryl Crow, U2 and Coldplay sound awful (not withstanding anyone’s taste in music).

What can I do to improve the overall sound in my system so I can listen to all of my music? Add tubes, a new DAC?

I’m listening.

Showing 3 responses by tpsonic

I may catch some grief for this,buttry Mapleshades' Ionoclast.I sell their gear and have demonstrated this device to many.Most don't believe it's the same disc.It takes the static bite out,and is useful on cabling too.
Contact Mapleshade for the 30 day money back option-that way I have no financial investment in this recommendation.
Had you considered a digital EQ,to EQ the bad recordings and run bypassed on the good ones?
Sorry for the delay.What I meant was that if you were using a transport/DAC,then you might employ a unit like the Z-Systems RDP-1.It is a digital parametric EQ and digital volume control.It is inserted between the transport and DAC,thus allowing the DAC to drive the amp/amps directly.
There is one available here for $995 (Audio Pimp).