Mix & Match Interconnects

For ease of system synergy, how many of you use the same interconnect between your source and pre amp as you use between your pre amp and power amp?


How many of you seek out the best performer for the position in your system?

Showing 4 responses by jayctoy

John, I agree it took me one year before, I got the
right combination on my reference system,Its a lot
of work,its costly at times.Yes you can find a happy
marriage why not,there are some good women out there,
but you need to audition them like gear and cable,
to match your taste,like cars you test drive.
John, In my case I was bless to have a friend who are
into music, they have musical system as my reference,
So I know exactly what Iam looking for,two benefits
I got,Number one I invite them to listen to my system,
to give me some feedback,Number 2, I borrow their
cables.Sometimes I get bias with my system, thats
when I get in trouble.
Jmc, What S23Chang is saying using the most
open, and neutral cable from the source is, whatever you
get from the source, it will flow from the source to the
preamp, to amp, sp cable to the speakers, make sense to
me.I do this approach too.
With Mikesinger,what He is trying to say is,If you have
ic that is open and neutral, then you can experiment to
your liking, whatever you want to accomplish from preamp
to amp and speaker,this is simply fine tuning your
system.Until you are happy with sonic you are looking for.
There is a thread on this couple of months ago,Mike and
Sean and I did have post on that. Dont confuse yourself
This is basically putting the best ic on the source,
then Fine tuning.Hope this Helps.
John whatever cable you like,and fit your taste,
who cares about what I think, Its your system,
I am not the one,who will listen , please your
ears, not mine.I believe whatever works,thats the
right thing do,One time I bought AQ cable all the
way, it did not work for me, since then,I use differrent
cables,I dont call it band aid.I call it Fine tuning.