MIT Oracle V4 Speaker Cables Help

Good morning all,

I am looking to find out more about the Oracle V4 speaker cables. Information is limited and I am not sure why. Were these highly regarded, not one audio press article or MIT info brochure that I could find. I have an opportunity to get a  used 7' pair for about $3k and am not even sure if it is a good deal but assume since it is the Oracle line it is? Best Regards!! These would be used with Wilson Sasha 


I had these cables a few years ago, I think 3K is a little pricy in todays market.  They were excellent while I used them.

Did they retail for $10k plus? They would replace straight wire crescendo.


I can't remember the list price but I did not pay anywhere near list.  I think I bought them after they had been discontinued.  MIT was moving at a very fast pace with innovation back then.