Mirage Omni 350 omnipolar

What can you guys tell me about these and the omnipolar sound?
I've heard it takes getting used to and that one usually likes or hates it. I've also been told that they are good for classical but not so much for rock.
What do you think?
If you've actually heard these please give me the rundown.
Thanks for your help.
07-22-09: Kkm
Maybe these will improve with more break in? Also any simple tweaks that might help? ...
I'm sure they need more break-in. They need 50-100 just to get some idea of what they do, and mine continued to reveal higher and higher levels of resolution for quite a number of hours, certainly more than 200.

Also, bear in mind that every speaker has its own presentation. In one design you'll hear more tambourine, another, pedal steel, etc. The Vandersteens are phase-coherent designs, so the perspective and arrangement of the mix is its strong suit *as long as you are in the sweet spot.* The Mirages' strong suits are uniform in-room power response and a natural, relaxed feel to the tonal balance and the timbres.

I have the OMD-15s, which are about the same size and shape as the 550's, but there must be some reasons they are three times the original list price of the 550s. They are definitely not wanting in midrange clarity or low-level detail, but I'm not sure how much of those virtues hold up when you go down the line. The Omnisats maintain those strengths as well.

The Omniguide assembly is nearly an omnidirectional point source. The closer you get its perspective to a point source where you're listening, the more coherent the waves will be when they reach your ears. The speakers improve when spiked, and should pierce the carpet and engage the floor below. Also, if you jack up the rear spikes and lower the fronts as much as possible to get a slight forward tilt, you'll also get more phase coherence. Generally you'll get a smoother soundstage if you face the speakers forward, and you'll also get a better soundfield if you bring the speakers out into the room (at least 3' if possible), and spread them a bit wider than you're accustomed. You'll then discover the larger soundstage while the center stage remains with no "hole in the middle."

Since the 550's intentionally bring the room into play, you can also dramatically shape the sound with wall treatments. My OMD-15s sit in front of tall, narrow windows, and I can control the brightness of the presentation by opening or curtains and raising or lowering the pleated shades.
Maybe these will improve with more break in? Also any simple tweaks that might help? Brace cabinet, more sound absorbering in speaker walls, points, etc?
I have a two channel home theater system upstairs and I moved the 550's up there today. My Lazy-Z-Boy is off the left of the TV about 30 degrees and before today, with conventional speakers, it drove me BANANAS. Every sound that came out of that system sounded like it came out of the left speaker. With no center channel it was a hopeless situation. With the 550's the problem is solved! The sounds seem to come out of the whole TV and just sounds great. For a two channel home theater system these are absolutely wonderful.
yeah, i'd have to agree about the lack of detail in the 550s. particularly the midrange, which is sort of what differentiates the high end from all the rest. i don't know what to do because my tektons just can't handle this large room 12 foot celings, at least 20 feet long, almost 15 feet wide, otherwise the tektons are the real deal. decisions decisions....
I listened a lot last night and have some new thoughts. I put on Bob Dylan's Lay Lady Lay and noticed that I couldn't hear Pete Drake's steel guitar very well. It sounded distant and muted which bothered me. I remembered reading an AVS forum thread where I guy said that he couldn't hear some violins on an REM song with the 550's but had a pair of OMD 15's and could hear them plain as day. I then put the same song on using my Vandersteen 1B's and there the pedal steel was in vivid color. Not good for the 550's. I'm going to move the 550's upstairs to the home theater. I'm having a problem, by not using a center channel and sitting off to the side, of hearing too much out of the left speaker. Maybe the 550's will solve this.

After this discovery I can't recommend the 550's for critical music listening but for home theater they should be great due to the wide sound stage. If they fix the upstairs home theater problem they will be worth it but I really wanted them for critical listening. On a good note the bass boom problem seems to be going away as I play them.

If you want something awesome for little money buy a used pair of Vandersteens. You can't go wrong there.
07-18-09: Petewhitley
I will say that the bass on the 550s is overloading my room, which is 25x15x8. I need to work on that one.
Take the boxes the Mirage 550's came in, stuff them with wadded up newspapers, and place them in the room corners behind the speakers. These work as pretty effective bass traps and should give you a cost-free way to see if that's what you need. If you need WAF, you could just cover them in an attractive cloth.

I haven't listened to the Vandies in about six months so that's a toughie. Off hand I would say they are more similar than different. Both have the huge soundstage. As far as tone, coherence, etc. I really need to listen side by side. If I had $2000 to spend on speakers right now I would buy the Vandersteen CE sigs II without a doubt. You can pick up a pair of older ones for four or five hundered on ebay of Agon to give them a try. I bet you will love them. BTW, people say that the 1 series can effecient but I tried my 1B's with a 15wpc 6L6 tube amp and the bass was flapping all over the place. That amp can drive most other speakers fine.

Well that bites the big one. I thought the vanns.com Omni 150's were sold individually like the 550's so I paid $159 a pair of black ones off of Ebay. That's what happens when you don't read. I could have had the blacks for $119 or the nice cherry ones for $149. DOOOHHHH!

Did anyone notice that Vann's has the Mirage 150 monitors available at app. $150/pr. I suspect that some A'goners routinely spend that on wine by the glass (okay, by the bottle, anyway).

How do these compare to the Vandies and Maggies? As a former Maggie owner, I'd be interested. Thanks,

Bassbusters are resonators tuned to a specific frequency which allows them to "absorb" excess energy in the range around that frequency. This really, really works...no audio magic or other mysticism is involved.

I gather that your device isn't designed that way. I wouldn't hold my breath, but you might get lucky with the homemade approach. Give it a shot - can't hurt!

Good Luck

Hey Petewhitley,

Good to hear form you again! We did talk about the
DP speakers awhile back. They are the same pair
here for sale buy a buddy of mine, Great speakers!
Did your 550's come with bass port plugs? If so, you might
want to try that if you are unable to pull them off the back
wall enough.
I also find that because of the Omni design of the speakers
that the conventional way of pointing a direct firing speaker at you does not apply. I have one speaker toed
out about 1" or more that the other to even things up real nice.
Depends on you room and it's reflections. Lots of tweaking to get these babies to really sing, but man when you get them set up right, you will know it. Plus I have around
100 hours or so and they have really opened up and relaxed.

The bass was rubbery sounding for a long time, now that
is going away and they are really starting to punch hard
with no boomy overhang. They to were over loading
my room, but I have them about 3.5' off the back wall
and that seems to be the best spot. I'm sure they will need about 500 hrs to be completely broken in.

BTW, on my carpet I also find I like them better "without"
the floor spikes.
Hi Marty,

I few years ago I made these things for sound absorbtion to put behind Magnepans. They are five foot high tubes about a foot wide covered with a thick polyester cloth. I put them in the attic a few years ago for a rainy day. Maybe that rainy day have come! Do you think this would help?



If your bass issues are mainly in the octave around/above 80hz (true of a LOT of speaker/room combinations), the addition of a "bassbuster" (hemholtz resonator) will likely work wonders. It did for me.

thanks for the amp selections, i look forward to getting something that can bring out the best of these mirage's. i do like the speakers.

as for the tektons, i paid i think $300 for them two years ago, now they are $350 are their website, but $435 on the obadimports site, which is where i ordered my Trends 10.1 t-amp, a very lush, very good combination. in a smallish room, one they can pressurize adequately, i think they are quite impressive, the cheapest entry into the high end that i know of.
The Mirage 550 is back down to $299 a pair on vanns.com if anyone is interested.

You're right about the midrange presence. Your speakers are taylor-made for that. I used to have Bob Brines single driver speakers with the Fostex 167E and it provides a much, much different presentation that the Omnni 550's. I never warmed up to the single driver thing. I tried adding super tweeters, phase plugs, adding resisters and never could get them to my liking. I will say that the bass on the 550s is overloading my room, which is 25x15x8. I need to work on that one.

They range in price see their website:
A good match for these 550's would be the Onkyo A-9555 integrated amp. It lists at $799 but if you shop around you can find it from an authorized dealer for less than $500. That amp really brings speakers like this alive--the amp's fast, clean, extended, well-controlled, and transparent. Keeps the midrange natural and transparent, keeps control over the bass, maintaining clarity and extension.
well, i haven't listened enough, they just got here and like i said my amp is underpowered. plus, i haven't owned that many speakers, apogee minigrand, tekton design, and a few lesser speakers. i've never owned speakers in the $800 range. that said, they are very nice, even for $400 a pair, probably more. the omni aspect of the sound is very satisfying, very full and big, you don't think about imaging while listening, so in a way it is less fatiguing. i am looking forward to hearing them and giving them a fair shot. i'll certainly chime in as soon as i can, since there must not be that many left for purchase. it all depends on what one is looking for at the moment, these will suit me fine, but OTOH, i've become much less of an audiophile of late, much more flexible, a consequence of poverty and just wanting to listen to rock music. they lack the detail and tonal richness of the tektons (not that the 550s are bad in these areas, just not as good), but if you're into the omni thing and want a bigger, more enveloping sound, $800 is about as cheap as you can get and still have a good dose (if not a full dose) of the qualities normally found only in audiophile designs. (wish i could afford some ohm walsh models, i bet they are niiiiicccceee)

sorry i can't be more help at the moment.
Do you think those 550's are still a deal at the new higher price? How about the original price of $400 ea.?
hi everyone,
i just received my omni 550's and, as i mentioned before, i will need a new amplifier, as my 15 t-amp just won't do, though i can get some reasonable volume, it clips well before the speakers run out of steam. so, can somebody recommend a dirt cheap (used) power amp to run these 90db efficient speakers. btw, these mirage speakers are very nice, especially for the money, and i will probably keep them, but they don't have the mid-range presence (and i don't think the timbral accuracy, or for that matter accuracy between frequency regions -- i think they will turn out to be a bit bright) of my tekton single driver speakers, just a bigger, fuller sound, which right now is what i crave in this much bigger space i now inhabit.

anyway, suggestions are most welcome.

Hi Telescope_trade,

I believe we talked on the phone about Digital Phase speakers a while back. I never did make it up to Chattanooga to hear them. I'm glad you are enjoying the OMD-28s. They are a beautiful speakers. Vann's can come up with some killer deals can't they!

The enveloping part of these depends on your room
and even more critical, the placement of the speakers.
Even minute movements make changes, so keep playing
with placement. Also, as they break in, the sound
will change, and require more tweaking.
A buddy of mine also bought a pair of 550's so I will
need to go hear them soon to see how much the 28's differ. But, I think these will be keepers for quite awhile.
They also kick butt for movies, and not sure what I would
have to spend to better them overall. My last speaker BTW
was Von Schweikert VR5 HSE's. They were very nice
also but I think the Mirage are better for "my" taste & needs in a non dedicated music room. (living room)
But that is not to say they would not excel in a dedicated
2 ch music room also.

Really beautiful finish also!
These Omni 550's sound great! It makes me wonder how much better the OMD-15 and 28 can possibly be. The treble is smooth and crystalline but the bass is what really surprised me. These things go LOW and with window rattling punch. They are very even keeled speakers that are well balanced. Oddly, in my room, I don't get the enveloping soundstage talked about. They sound like very open conventional speakers to me. The imaging is great also and from anywhere on the couch. I was worried that they would give a hazy image but it is actually pretty defined.
My OMD 28's are sounding great. So far I have about 70 hours on them and they
starting to open up & relax.
I'm sure they will need a few hundred hours before
they are totally broken in.
So far I really like them a
if you're asking me, i've never heard them, long ago i heard teh mirage m1's, but i know these are different, just wanted an omni sound and don't have much doe, so i figured i why not at this price. definitely not expecting miracles, but feel pretty good about the prospects. oh dear, will probably need a new amp, with the tekton's, i'm using a 15v t-amp. gosh, guess i'll have to buy something else ;)

Headed to the listening room right now. Mirage Omni 550 vs. Magnepan SMGas(Peter Gunn modded) vs. Vandrsteen 1B. I'll report back soon.
Don't know if you believe in breakin but have you been running them just in case or will this be a first play - first listen?
Wow! They just raised the price. It was $299 at noon today. Mine are setup and ready to listen. I haven't heard them yet. I'm going to make an evening of it tomorrow.
well, i just thought i'd let people know that after reading this thread i eventually couldn't resist buying a pair of mirage omni 550's from vann's for $299 shipping included. after i bought my pair, the price went up to $380. i'm currently running a pair of tekton 6.5 inch fostex single driver speakers which are amazingly good for the price, but i'm craving a fuller, omni-type sound, also more punch and presence for rock music, so we'll see.

if anyone is interested i'll post some impressions once i've had a listen, but it might be moot at this point since i don't think there can be too many new pairs out there left, though i really don't know (i know there are no black ash 550's left at vann's). it would seem that whoever got the pair on audiogon for $169 really got a deal.
07-07-09: Petewhitley
After listening to the great Vandersteen 1B's for the last two hours it will be a miracle if the Mirage Omni 550's beat it out. They arrive on Friday.
They're different presentations. The tonal balance should be similar; Vandy's will be more phase-coherent, making it easier to hear certain low level details and more specific individual images. Mirages will have wider dispersion, more uniform power response throughout the room, and probably more bass.
Do you use a sub with those Vandy's? Don't they only go down to 50hz?
I'm not cutting on them, just askin'.
After listening to the great Vandersteen 1B's for the last two hours it will be a miracle if the Mirage Omni 550's beat it out. They arrive on Friday.
I almost bought the Veritas monitors far AA a while back. That was a real good deal. The 1B's are Vandersteen 1B's.
07-04-09: Petewhitley
There aren't many reviews on this series of Mirage speakers. I guess their prodution run was brief. I have been reading reviews on the Energy and Athena speakers which use the exact same drivers (I think all three companies are owned by Klipsch) and everyone thinks they are just wonderful.
They were all part of the Canadian company, API (Audio Products International), which was also behind the Sound Dynamics 300ti. Klipsch bought API a few years ago and has been restructuring, resulted in some of these deep discount closeouts. A couple years ago they closed down Athena, resulting in fire sales on Audio Advisor. It looks like they're doing the same thing to the Veritas line in Energy, which was a fabulous line of speakers.

As for Mirage, they shut down development of Mirage's Omniguide-based $20K flagship speaker and a true high end subwoofer. Currently the OMD and Omnisat and Nanosat divisions remain, but the Omnipolar line (150, 350, 550, etc.) has disappeared from the Mirage website. That's why the production run was short. The Omnipolar line bridged the gap between "lifestyle" type Omnisats and the expensive high end OMD series.

The Onmi 150, 350, and 550 us a fiberglass sandwich woofer/mid and an Aluminium tweeter as opposed to the previous version of the 550, the Omni 260, which uses a titanum hybrid. The more expensive OMD-15 also use titanium hybrid. If I like them better than the 1B's that's saying something.
What's the 1B?

I really like the Mirage cloth surround titanium tweeters, but the API group has made a lot of excellent aluminum domes as well. Also, the top line OMD-28s also use fiberglass sandwich woofers.

The online blowouts of the OMD-28s do concern me, however. I hope Klipsch doesn't shut down what made Mirage great. The emergence of their Omniguide technology was a revelation. Originally conceived for their ultra-compact omnisat satellites, the design concept took over almost their entire line of speakers, including the ones at the top.
07-04-09: Texas42
I love trying out different speaker designs and am always intrigued by speakers that have wide dispersion and room filling sound (as opposed to the 'head in a vice' accurate speakers that only sound good to one person).
I remember reading an Stereophile review of the top line Dunlavy's about 24 years ago. Everybody was raving about the detail, but the reviewers had their heads clustered together trying to get a piece of the 3-D imaging. J. Gordon Holt walked into the room, gave 'em a quick listen, and pronounced them the "world's most expensive headphones."

The Omniguide-based speakers are the result of about a dozen years of R&D into how we perceive music, how voices and musical instruments radiate into a room, and how this interaction influences timbre. I find my humble OMD-15s to be some of the most timbre-correct speakers I've ever heard. Basically, head-in-a-vice speakers place you in the recording venue, and things can get really wonky when you step out of the sweet spot. Omnipolars put the musicians in your listening room. Their soundstage is such, however, that the walls of your room will disappear. And while there is an ideal sweet spot, the entire listening area has even tonality and correct timbre.
They (Digital Phase) are great speakers for the price. I love trying out different speaker designs and am always intrigued by speakers that have wide dispersion and room filling sound (as opposed to the 'head in a vice' accurate speakers that only sound good to one person).
Texas42, I remember you guys. I emailed you about Digital Phase and talked to Telescope_trade on the phone about them. I never did make it up to Chattanooga to hear them.

I grabbed a pair of the 550s from Vann's to replace my Ohm Walsh 2's which I'll find a new home for. I'm also considering the OMD-28s if the 550s impress me enough. A good friend (earlier poster in this thread) just ordered the 28s so will have to check his out when they come in.
I'm really getting exited about thses speakers. There aren't many reviews on this series of Mirage speakers. I guess their prodution run was brief. I have been reading reviews on the Energy and Athena speakers which use the exact same drivers(I think all three companies are owned by Klipsch) and everyone thinks they are just wonderful. The Onmi 150,350, and 550 us a fiberglass sandwich woofer/mid and an Aluminium tweeter as opposed to the previous version of the 550, the Omni 260, which uses a titanum hybrid. The more expensive OMD-15 also use titanium hybrid. If I like them better than the 1B's that's saying something. I'm really excited to hear this "enveloping sounstage" everyone raves about with the Mirages.

$299 free shipping is a great price. They retail for $800.

I suspect that your attic looks a lot like the "landing" in the stairway to my listening room. I like the use of the phrase "for another day". I generally say the gear is "out of rotation". Six of one...


PS Please post your opinion of the 550s so that I have more data in deciding whether my "rotation" grows.

Very generous indeed. But, for some reason I never return anything. I just file it away. (<:
07-02-09: Petewhitley
Well I bought them. For $299 what the heck. If I don't like them...in attic they go for another day.
Vann's does have a reasonable return policy.
Well I bought them. For $299 what the heck. If I don't like them...in attic they go for another day. The Vandy 1B vs Omni 550 shootout will be interesting.
I'm SO close to biting on that Omni 550's from Vanns. I've always been interested in the Mirage Omni's but have never heard them. I have way to many unused speakers cluttering up the house, don't need to spend the money, and I love my Vandy 1Bs but...........