Mirage M1 8" woofer substitute

I have 2 blown 8" woofers on my Mirage M1 speakers (both on one side). The woofers do not look to be anything special. I think most of the sound is in the box and crossover design. Given the high price of replacements - nearly $300.00 each and slow delivery 3 to 5 weeks, I am thinking of installing a good 8" poly cone 20oz magnet 4 ohm speaker for a fraction of the cost. I think a slight bit of router work would be involved as the replacements I have found are about 0.0425" OD larger. Has anyone done this with success on the M1?

I know a fellow that did this with advent speakers - one side and you couldn't tell - and it was one of the tweeters!

Thoughts anyone?
Do you have any insight as to how to take the covers off the M1? I've got the same problem you do, and for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to take them apart and don't want to risk damaging them.

Any advice greatly appreciated!
I found out the originals are 16 ohm speakers. No substitutes unfortunately. I have ordered the proper replacements.
I have Mirage M3s, and from what I understand, there is no direct aftermarket replacement and Mirage (now under Klisph) does not have any.

I would look into having the cones rebuilt. They can have new voice coils installed (if that is what you mean by BLOWN). There is really no need to toss out drivers, as they can be rebuilt.

What I would worry about is the midrange drivers. Have you checked the surrounds? Are they nice and sticky like gum ?
Which ever brand of woofer you choose, I would install one new and one older driver in each speaker.

I have no idea if this after market driver will be as good as the original but my advice would at least give you a shot at balancing the channels.