I don’t think it will work because it is phone. You can’t fool Mother Nature. Write using a permanent RED pen, all capitals
IMPORTANT - cover the brand name of the phone when writing the message, if possible.
You can cover the writing with clear tape to preserve it.
I just inscribed on my cell the phrase: " this is not a cell phone" excluding my cell of the morphogenetic field of cell phones of the planet.... Will it work?
That must work....I think so.... we will see...
You’re close. Very close. It’s the information field created by the drain pipes. The more of a thing the greater the information field. The black cable tie breaks the field. The drain pipes on your house not like all the others in the world. Unlike electric or magnetic fields, information fields do not attenuate over distance.
I say "interesting"because I read it.... I am just not sure how that I can relate that to the black tie-wraps and the transformation of the sound in my room.... Except for sure the now modified information field of my house....Is it it? |
That’s what most people say. “Interesting.” 😀
Quick, mahgister, I just pasted a link to my article explaining information fields in the thread for Fuse Guys.
I know that information fields exist by my own thinking (not in audio tweaks) but why black tie-wraps cause that audio effect? I am baffled and only able to think "about placebo effect" for this one tweaks...But that explain nothing for sure... Viva placebo for sure, only ignorant people confuse placebo with illusion...
In the meantime I will enjoy this improved soundstage...
I wish I knew the answers to your questions. 😩 Maybe it has something to do with information fields. Yes, I am going with information fields. Final answer! |
Anyway thanks Geoff for this tweak that nobody will try except myself here....
The strange thing is a better soundstage for my speakers... Or is it an illusion temporary? Why? Is there anything other than complete placebo effect? why black ties wrap? I dont trust my ears anymore and they are rather good to this day... :)
I am really happy that my wife dont read this thread....
it seems we are brother from the same unknown father,because like you I think about anything to change for the better even placebo tweaks... |
I’m not the kind of person who mocks a placebo effect. I will try anything as long as it improves the sound. I would even get expectation bias a try if it helped the sound. By the way, if you live in an apartment building with many drain spouts falling down I strongly suggest you put the cables ties on at night with no full moon.
I am a bit awkwarded and confused right now... I have attached 2 black tie-wrap around the bottom of my 2 roof gutters...thanks for this "placebo tweak" the sound is, it seems, better.... You can now mock me to your soul content evil guy!
This is the proof of my complete insanity....
But wait a minute, the placebo effect is a real ,non cumulative, one time new biased perception, it is real, but NON cumulative in a repeated cumulative acts of tweaking, one after the other, toward a complete transformation of my audio system after many months or years.... Then I am a bit fool to wrap that at the end of my gutters, but the pacebo effect is a real subtle change, tough non cumulative, it seems that the illusion is not a growing without mom ending improvement...At the end I am not completely nutty with all my tweaks it seems...I am nutty only with these tie-wrap placebo improvement.... :)
I’m quite used to dealing with mentally challenged people every day. Maybe it’s my calling. Your brother is always welcome here. First drink’s on the house. As a kid, my mother would say, “school, you should enjoy it. One day you’ll have to work for a living.” No, I won’t, ma. I’m going to me a comedian. 🤡
I will adopt the more respectful " mentally challenged" for my brother thanks... :) |
Is somebody looking in the mirror?
My mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face. 🤡 |
"my retarded brother"
Umm...mentally challenged or cognitive disability seems more appropriate.
(My brother speak too much good about you....I dont trust clown from the future that haunted contemporary forum... Goodbye, my brother will retake his stupid thread...)
Hello Geofff, I apologize for my retarded brother...I will try your tweak...My best...
Would I kid you? 🤡
I’m in the future, as you know, where I work as a clown in a circus since they don’t have audio forums in the future. |
the black color is essential?
I am his brother but more intelligent than him , my system is pricey and without all these stupid tweaks.... |
But you’re passing on the BLACK cable tie for drain pipe tweak? Now I’m not sure you’re mahgister. Are you his replacement?
But I truly apologize for my tactlessness against you.... I am not kidding here.... But my gutters are not already attached, I was only kidding...
And by the way I read a post on audiogon about this tweak and copper tape written by you to all to read... Then I try it, after the success I encounter with your "saucers" in my window, without thinking any bad, it was perhaps tactless of my part...But I speak here about any tweaks I tried, then....
I can never tell if you come from the future or not.... :) |
I can never tell when you are kidding. 🤡
Read "forgiving" in the precedent post instead of "apologizing"... |
Thank you for apologizing my stupidity Geoff but I will pass for this one....And will not speak about it to anyone.... :)
P.S. My gutters are already very much tied ….
Good for you, mahgister!! Only because you are very experi-mental I will gift you this tweak. But don’t tell anybody. Buy a pack of 14” long black cable ties at Home Depot or wherever and wrap one cable tie around the bottom of each vertical drain pipe on your building, the ones that go from the rain gutter on the roof to the ground. If the drain pipes are extra wide use two cable ties that are connected.
Put some copper adhesive tape around the router of the house`s computer and it is an improvement also....It seems to improve the sound also around any electrical connecting device, headphone plug or power strip, not only wall sockets...Added more transparency to the sound mainly.... |
It’s not my suggestion, it’s my product. Hel-loo! Bad, mahgister, bad! |
Is it not your own suggestion to put that there?
It is definitely less grainy sound...It is very evident with Haydn string quartet (Auryn quartet)...And also in the velvety sound of Chet Baker Tokyo concert...
I definitely does not hallucinate.... I enjoy more my music and I call that a little miracle for the cost of 2 peanuts...Subtle but there and sublime softness of string or brass sound...Thanks Geoff...
I dont know if I have dreamed that but few minutes ago I taped some thin vertically band of adhesive copper tape on the wall sockets of my audio room and the sound seems more natural and more velvety and less grainy ?
Is it another miracles in audio or an hallucination?
Where is Geoffkait when we need him? In the future for sure... |
Today i meet a friend and takes some stones with me trying to improve his audio system...It was a revelation but way more for me than for him... After placing some stones on top of his power strip, i hears some minor improvement, but not what i anticipate at all... Only some clear audible improvement to my ears, to him also, but not much the change i promise to deliver...(It was the same friend who liked a lot my audio system some weeks ago).
In my own system it takes me 1 year at least, placing one stone at a times, and experimenting with the best other stones to pair with it, after months introducing cables between them, and batteries, and finally Schuman Generator with stones cabled to this stones grid...Then hoping and promising for an astounding change just by throwing few stones on a big Monster power strip was perhaps naive of my part ... However in my audio system this stones grid is astoundingly audible and I know perfectly well the difference between introducing it or not, between before and after...
Morality: dont hope astounding improvement by just throwing a few stones for example on a power strip, or near some gear, like sometimes my discourse seems to suggest in this thread.... It takes minor change adding to many others minor change cumulating themselves after many months of experimenting in an astounding change...It takes times, experiments, and linking all the stones, this is not possible to makes that happens in a few hours... I think that i underestimated all the experimenting works that adding the stones implicate for a final astounding result...
Then all of you reading my assertive enthusiasm if you conclude that just adding some stones will be a great improvement, i must say to you it takes many, many experiments and minor changes, they are all cumulative, at the end...Hope for the best only if you play and experiment for more than one evening.... If you dont want bothering yourself with fun experiments on many months like myself, buy 5 ooo thousand bucks ready-made tweaks, they probably are on par with my tweaks and who knowns! perhaps better, and more easy to install.... Perhaps i was too enthusiast suggesting a miracle to happen in the first experiment...I forget all my long journey of minor changes till the end and speak only about my end result without realizing all the trials and errors along the way that were necessary to obtain all that...
I apologize to my reader for that...
I use one under my pillow. Pink or clear only. I’ll come back in time and check from time to time. 🤡
An example of my use of quartz is about a thin stick of lemurian quartz, but of the "smoked" variety, that i have placed on the cables knot of my headphone... I have taped chrysocolla beads with one stick of Lemurian "smoked" quartz in between and the result are audible for the rendering of timbre; the chrysocolla act for me more about the imaging first, the lemurian of the "smoked" variety add "body" to that and more than that enhancing the imaging effect of the chrysocolla....... |
Yes Geoff I use Lemurian Quartz to great avails... It is better in general to use Herkimer, pink quartz also, lemurian etc They are better in audio than only standard regular quartz...
I have " mathematical faith" in a universal grid memory information processing field, it is not science, it is faith nourished by contemplation of the numbers plane and vectors reality...Except for that I dont know how to answers your interesting question like usual...My best to you from the past to the future...(I am from the past) :)
P.S. I think that your metaphor with acupuncture is very spot on....
Maybe it’s like acupuncture. The standard procedure is poking a needle into the skin at strategic locations on the body. But electrifying the needles is the next step up. I’ve had both prod endures done, by the way. But the question is (at least for the acupuncture needles) is the method of operation physical/mechanical or is it electrical? Along the same lines, why are crystals effective as massage props and for meditation? Have you ever experimented with Lemurian Quartz Crystals from Brazil? Blow your mind! 🤯 |
If you bought a new "miraculous product" that will be good,but not "miraculous", like I bought, : the wave magnetic guide of Alan Maher, remember this : Any "so called miraculous product" in your mind or in the mind of the marketing brain will introduce noise of his own, by virtue of his own electronics or even by simply mechanical vibrations of his solid casing and parts and the produced unwanted resonances...
After plugging this good product indeed , I was not entirely satisfy... I decide to treat the exterior casing of the magnetic A.M. waveguide with Fo.Q tuning tape but also Sorbothane duro 70 1/4 inches thick(very good for audio)…(for sure I added some tourmaline stones also) The 2 tapes cleans so much noise that my new Fostex T10 gained much in rendering less recessed higher frequencies (their only defect for me)...
Morality: If some company claims something about " one miraculous product" that cures all, it is not true, the truth is always in audio, many cleaning methods works together with all new product including miraculous one... There is always the necessity, nevermind what you will buy, to tweaks the acoustic atmosphere of the room, the mechanical vibrations, and the high level noise (E.M. or mechanical) introduced by any new link, even "the so-called miraculous one"... By the way I like the Alan Maher wave guide, that is way more effective now, I only say that all new link must be treated also, in this case for mechanical vibrations...
I bought this product to further enhance mostly the Fostex T10 my only headphone of choice now and the goal is achieved...The Fostex T10 an old orthodynamic ( paid 80 bucks) is really better now that all my past headphones, including a paid 300 bucks chineese modern orthos that I never really loved ...But without many tweaks improving the electrical embeddings of the audio grid in the house, in the room, or on each link by itself, nothing will satisfy me now...Nothing...However i am satisfy now and really listen music to my likings from my headphone for the first time after 8 headphones in 7 years...A potential good headphone like the Fostex T10 is not enough by itself, even with a good amp, and a good dac, it takes methods to clean the noise floor of the gear, the room and the house...
Thanks Geoff I appreciate your spirit...And sarcasm when delicately choosen… :) |
Dr. Elizabeth responds to a question regarding her faith in Prometheus, “because I choose to believe it.” 🤡
Thanks Geoff for your insightful remarks...
A complete mystery if you said so, it is... But Perhaps the frequency pulsed by the S.G. act like a kind of transporting wave for some resonant frequencies of my stones affecting the electro-magnetics field intersecting in my room... Dont kill my speculative ignorance with too much sarcasms please... :)
One thing is for sure, like Helmholtz resonators, vibrations controls methods, acoustic room treatment, the S.G. are an indispensable audio tools for me coupled to my stones grid...In a few years in a new room I will begin anew with better knowledge now and improved connections in my new grid...
The reason I asked the question was you intimated it was more mysterious or surprising that the effect was observed through headphones than through speakers.
Be that as it may, I do not think that extremely low frequency 7.83 Hz waves are capable of interfering with RF with frequencies in high Megahertz and low Gigahertz. In fact, I am very unyielding on that point. For example, in satellite communications the uplink is 100% protected from interference by the downlink by simply offsetting the two frequencies by a few Gigahertz, 12GHz up, 10 GHz down. Thus, in my humble (?) opinion the SG mode of operational remains a complete mystery.
Cheers, Geoff 🤡 |
The S.G. in my system are connected to my stones grid and if I disconnected all that the soundstage collapse, the imaging is less precise, the bubble in which each instrument lives is no more organically connected to the totality...
I think that it is an interaction between the E.M. field of the S.G. and my gear...The stones act also like some kind of filter ,if I change the stones I change the sound for better or worse...But you are the scientist I will wait for your explanation... My best to you Geoff...
“...not only in the speakers but more surprisingly in the headphone too...”
>>>>What do you think that means?
An interesting experiment:
I now had 6 Schuman Generator (2 power supply+4usb one) in my room… At each times there is an incremental improvement in the soundstage and imaging of the speakers and the headphone alike...If I switch them all off, there is a collapse of the soundstage and imaging, not only in the speakers but more surprisingly in the headphone too...
Another little miracle for me, I just bought to try it on a uncontrollable relapse in audiophile disease an Alan Maher magnetic waveguide (150 bucks) I plug it without break-in in uphill from the power supply of my dac... I added some Tourmaline on top of it +a thin plate of shungite….
Immediately lowering the noise floor in my speakers, extending the soundstage, refining the imaging also, but more than that in my beloved orthodynamic Fostex T10 the effect was astoundingly clear...In my heavily tweaked stones grid there is place for new methods for the controls of the house noise floor...I enjoy more of my T10 now, the best headphone I ever own...Better even than my Mission Cyrus speakers for musicality and naturalness... |
MKGUS Thanks for your report...You must experiment with some other stones for example pink quartz with shungite or tourmaline will have a more positive effect probably...Try that...
Shungite is one of the most difficult stone to use in an audio grid... Try to place on top of your router (computer) ...
Just two points. One, shungite is not a crystal. Two, the complete description of the operational characteristics of crystals in audio applications was written by your friend and humble scribe almost twenty years ago in Power to the Pebble. My, how time flies. http://www.machinadynamica.com/machina17.htm |
Tonight I did some more experimenting with shungite. I listening to a track without the shungite and became familiar with it and had it fresh in my mind. I then placed a shungite pyramid on the outside of the breaker box, with the point facing away and the base facing towards where the two hot mains enter the panel. The base of the pyramid is about 3” square and roughly 3” tall. I’m not sure if the shape matters but I included the description here for completeness. I went back to the listening room and listened to the same song. A change in the music was readily apparent. What I noticed most was a change in the midrange frequencies, like they were a bit louder or brought more forward in the soundstage. I went and removed the shungite and listened to the same track again and the sound changed to like before the experiment began. Interesting. In this experiment, I slightly preferred the setup with no shungite. This doesn’t surprise me since I have no clue what I’m doing as far as the following factors are concerned: placement in system, mass of crystal, distance from the cables, number of crystals, etc. At this point I’m not exactly trying to fix or improve something specific in my system; I’m just tinkering. The fact that I could use shungite to seemingly alter the midrange frequencies and/or affect the “forward-ness” of the presentation makes me believe that if one knew what they were doing they could use crystals to tweak their system to achieve a certain sound. Mahgister seems to have done a lot of research here and a few others but overall, crystal applications in audio systems like what’s been discussed in this thread seems like a frontier that needs a lot more research and experimentation. |