Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...

I owned a low cost headphone for many years, the Fostex TH7B, first version( a new one close version exist Fostex TH7BK), semi-open headphone...I was never completely satisfied by any headphones I ever owned: Hifiman 400, Stax basic lamda, Stax 5 gold,Akg 340,Akg 701, beyerdynamic 990, and T150... Because in each of them with all their qualities I never listen to at the same times, a confortable headphone with natural timbre and voicing, with a good imaging and a realistic soundstage(not too close to my ears)...

For the last days I tweaked this Fostex, to damp his internal resonance I used sorbothane, I put some shungite stones at the exterior part of the cups and I use some Herkimer diamond in the interior pads( 3 at 120 degree) … Now this low cost headphones crush all my others if I sum all his qualities... For example his mids and voicing cannot beat the AKG 340 but among all my other headphones it is the best that is near that mids and it is more confortable, and with longer cable than the 340...His imaging is better and more realistic than the 340 etc etc...It is the same if I compare with the others...

His most important qualities is natural timbre and clear imaging,very precise pinned point accuracy and natural, so clear it crush for that ALL the others to dust...In the French audio circle the reviews were more than very positive few years ago...Diapason d’or and choc Classica...I am not the only one impressed buy the ratio quality/price... But remember that thesae reviewers dont tweak their headphone...The difference between before and after the tweaks are staggering...

Yes Miracles happens in Audio: cost is under 100 American dollars... Few years ago they cost me 50 bucks new... I never dreamed that I will go back to headphones...

I will enjoy your miracles stories of any kind ….My best to all...

Showing 50 responses by mahgister

If you can listen music at relatively low volume with a clear distinction of tonal timbre accuracy, then,
your room is very good now.....Like mine..... :)

It is not the bass frequencies nor the higher frequencies that must pilot and inform the acoustic work in a room, but ONLY the perception of tonal timbre accuracy... The conditions which you will use to improve tonal accuracy will also improve bass.... The contrary is not necessary true, because timbre tonality is more complex and encompassing concept than bass frequencies only.....Average computer algorithm for room are not made on the foundation of timbre perception.... We need ears for that....And we are lucky because we have free one.... :)

Timbre is itself very difficult to define acoustically because of the many factors playing a role in his perception....


Thanks for this moving story ...

My sympathies for you lost...

My best to you...
Each action taken in one of the 4 embeddings are irreplaceable by another action in one or even by 3 different actions in all of the three other remaining embeddings...

For example the positive effects of a better control of the vibrations-resonance cannot be replaced by a better cleaning of the electrical grid of the house, or by a passive acoustical modification by changing some materials on the walls of my room, or in a more active way by introducing some Helmholtz resonator, or my "singing" resonator, or some Schumann generator...If you dont control the mechanical vibrations you will not be able to compensate that by acoustical modification of the space, passive or active one,or by some tweaks in the electrical grid...

Each modifications in each of the embeddings generate some specific effets that the other modifications cannot replace....

An audio system is a complex web of intrications between acoustical space, mechanical and electro-magnetic interaction...So complex that when you think about it and the way audio system are sold in any commercial office, that boggle the mind to think how incomplete is the information necessary to create a real hi-fi experience.... It is easy also to create the illusory belief that paying much money to go upgrading some gear from one rung of the scale going toward the higher one will give you real Hi-Fi... At best it is an half truth....

We cannot remedy the problems of the acoustical space of a room with a better dac, or a better amplifier, or a better speakers system... Same thing is true for the electrical grid....Upgrading an amplifier will not improve the electrical noise floor of the house....

If we remind ourself that the % of the S. Q. is for more than half of it dependent of these embeddings, not only of the electronic components, we begins to understand many false assumption about audio....

I say all that because this evening, changing slightly the orientation of some of my resonators gives me a better dynamic and a better image in the room....Slight change= Big improvement, sometimes....

Most of the times we need a new piece of gear like a fish need a bicycle....
I think Groucho Marx never said that.... :)
« Stupidity is a line of work against others and at the end against self too and has  no link to genetic» - Groucho Marx
No news from China for my graphene+mica formula... ) :
But because of the health general problem, all activity if not stopped are very slow indeed...

I wait for my 12 shungite plate tough from Russia, and the 12 "golden" plates will achieve to make my system truly great …. (: 

With or without the graphene formula the golden plates are marvellous with no negatives....

It seems all details count in Audio...

The power supply of my dac, Ifipower, was on some cork plate with shungite, near the floor of my room....

I forget that this shungite was nude without copper, then this was not a "golden" plate....Today I go to a flea market, I spot a 5 pound alabaster thick plate (old ashtray) I bought it...

I put it on top of the cork plate on the floor and put the Ifipower on it...I transform my shungite plate in a"golden" plate with copper tape....I had forget about that power supply because it is under the wooden box where is my computer...

It takes only one minute of listening to hear the more detailed sound.... :)

The "golden" plate like they are now are the real deal.... The alabaster plate also decouple better the Ifipower from the floor than just the cork plate only.... That work flawlessly with no negatives ….
ah...My dear ghost, the first one i think,

welcome friend... 

mate cup for you....

And my deepest salutations....

My last controls installation for the last month gives me something new and never experienced by me before....

Really the listening position at regular distance (8 feet and few inches) my lazy-boy chair extended and my ears at equal height with my tweeters, is on par with the nearfield position (3 feet)...

A bit more detailed in nearfield, but more pulsating in regular position, i listen to incredible bass for a 7 inches driver.... My room is so tightly controlled after these 2 years of mutiple listening experiments than i enjoy bass that i feel with my body.... Mission cyrus 781 speakers was very well known for their good bass and it is true....( No the walls dont vibrate but i dont need that to listen to cello or even organ )

If the 3 embeddings are Key of audio experience, the acoustic embedding is the more spectacular one.... People upgrade without knowing that at all....

A "reviewer" even say to me not long ago that acoustic controls importance are exagerated ! Think about that and think why he said so.... Because he was blinded by top of the line costly electronics, and never feel any lack in his own room... But someone who has never explore acoustic controls has no way to imagine what he lost by not doing so.... Believe me acoustic is the more important part of audio....Especially when your system is low cost.... People with high cost system feel that they are there in the top spot, without knowing better.... It is an illusion, electronic design matter, but much less than acoustic....
There exist so many points in the complex grid encompassing the audio system in each house that only incremental step by step controls methods, using multiple ways in its 4 dimensional embeddings, can gives to each of us the solution to a greater S.Q.; an upgrade S.Q. without any purchase of a costly electronic component for a fraction of the price.

I read an article about a 40 thousand dollars P.C. USB server and dac, and comparing the same musical files in my P.C. with the impressions of the reviewer, gives me the feeling that the gap between this marvellous piece of engineering and my humble audio system, but very tweaked and controlled installation, was not an abyss... Most people underestimated the noise level on their house electrical grid and think that upgrading for example the conditioner will solve the problem, or purchasing a miraculous power supply...All that will give an upgrade decreasing the noise level, but introducing a noise of its own....

The law of diminishing returns is way more lower than most of us think when we address the embeddings of our audio system the right way, without introducing new electronical component with their own noise level ...

There exist NO electronical component that will not contribute in an higher noise level.... It is always a trade-off...This is the reason why " non electronical way" to act on the electrical grid is so impactful....Personally I choose the passive ways with stones, especially my "golden" plates....No trade-off in the noise floor....

I am astounded by the fact that the S.Q. we lost, unbeknownst to us, because of a too much higher noise floor, is totally out of our consciousness like a blind spot... It surprise me each times when I lower the noise floor, because it is an incremental step by step process, no miracle here....

 Perhaps going off the grid is the way, but the cost are way too much for me now to try it....But even battery introduce noise then my "golden" plates will be useful there also....


Today I added 2 other USB  Schumann generators to my 8 others...With "golden" thin plates and Herkimer diamond or tourmaline on the connector plugs in the wall and on top of them...

There are located all around me at left and right, front and rear...It is magical, the imaging is better each time I added one.... That cost is low 10 bucks each except the costly one in front of me....It is way better than one costly one, because they are all around and work uniformly....

I will return in my heaven now.... My best to all....

After many hours of listening in my 2 position: nearfield and the regular one the audible effects of the 2 new added Schumann generators + thin golden plate+ tourmaline or Herkimer diamond are evident...

The sound is more airy and less linked to the speakers than ever, like floating in the room or around me in nearfield...More refine sound....

The way to go is USB S.G. because it is cheap and you can put many of them around you (10 for me) and then they work more powerfully on the room acoustics in this way than only one in a not so ideal location....Think about that: for 20 bucks I have something, these 2 new S.G. that feel like the upgrade of an amplifier or like a new dac ….I change no piece of my main gear tough for 2 years now, only adds each times something to refine the controls of my 4 embeddings mostly the electrical one and the acoustical one....

And in most threads now people speak about dac costing a truck load of money or amplifier or speakers without knowing the simple way to upgrade and install rightfully what they already own that is often already top of the line …

The fact that they are not satisfied by the sound they already have speak volume about the lacks of the right embedding for their audio system, if they care about the 4 embeddings at all...For the last 2 years I am no more interested in a sound savior incarnated by a "miraculous" trade mark new brand speakers, dac, or amplifiers....I know what makes any good hi-fi system truly really great....It is cheap and rewarding...

I feel like a fool reading and answering my own posts.... :)

"Twin fans combing sound room enhancer"

I replace the big Herkimer Diamond 334 inch stck with nano one in the plumbers cone bell cap in the center of the enclosure of the fans...

I just recived some by the mail... :)

Small H. D. are more powerful than the big one for sound.... Better higer frequencies resonance....

my best....    
My last device in acoustic control:


If you own a room only for your audio system "mechanical equalization" is for me superior to electronical one in many aspects ....

Acoustic of irregular or difficult small normal room obey and react to sound in a different way than a theater, or than an ideally acoustically designed audio rrom... Geometry, topology and content matters.... The mechanical equalizer was a cheap way in money to design my own audio room without the need to reconstruct my room...Passive absorbing, reflecting, and diffusive materials, even well balanced are not enough sometimes...Especially in 13 feet, irregular, but square room with 2 windows and with a complex acoustic content.... We must accomodate the response of the room to the speakers not only the speakers to the room... The mechanical equalizer can do the 2 function at the same time without modifying the basic parameters of the speakers directly and according to the specific structure of the user...The different pressures new zones created by the equalizer itself are intermediary between the speakers responses and the room responses in the 2 directions, because the pipes grid begin with a few inches straws from the speakers and increase in lenght to 8 feet high, like observed an astute observer, oldhvymec ,the organ tuning pipe in a church...

We can call the Helmholtz mechanical equalizer, a "silent organ" indeed and i called it so indeed in my first post about it in my thread...

It seems that human ears react better to first wavefront of relatively "large" bandwith called a " voice timbre" in any room location not to a precise test frequency signal one after the others, like a microphone feeding it back to a correcting program for only one very narrow location in milllimeters...

Then i succeeded to correct my room with materials passive treatment but mainly with an Helmholtz "mechanical equalizer" calibrated by the the first wavefront of sound created by the specific timing of the frequencies of early and late reflections adding themselves to the direct waves from the speakers and coming also from the waves modified themselves by their near 80 crossings of the different zones pressure of my room each one second...

This mechanical equalizer is made, not of bottles like the original one, but of tubes and pipes, sometimes one inserted in an another thinner one, with a short or longer neck(various type of straws) which length i tuned with hearing and listening experiments... It takes me a week and perhaps 50 hours to tune the 23 tubes and pipes....Location is important... All refining parameters were dictated by sound like a piano tuner use his ears and are implemented by diagonal cuts in section of various diameter of straws inserted in one another....I used transparent tape to seal the mouth and i insert thinner straw in a new hole if necessary like in a telescopic stick...

I also use "the golden section ratio" in 3 set of 3 pipes among all the other singular 13 tubes and pipes... My longer tube is 8 feet long under my 81/2 feet ceiling.... Correcting these 9 pipes together was the more easy part , they were very impactful ...I also used 5 smaller pipes of various size near the tweeter of one speaker (3) and near the bass driver of the other speaker (2) to create a more audible first wavefront signal without changing the basic identical parameters of the speakers but only their response to the room but not their frequency response more their first wavefront timing response... It worked marvellously.... It was my adding modification of these 2 pieces few inches, near each speaker, the tweeter for one and the bass driver for the other, creating then asymmetrically 2 different front waves from the speakers, it was this modification which is my personal characterization and adaptation from the original Helmholtz mechanical equalizer before the invention of the speakers itself....

I say all that because Helmholtz was able to set a room without DSP better than DSP... WHY?

We forget that, and we called DSP a progress and it is one indeed for "precise" measurements of a tested frequency in relation with a "precise" location in millimeters...

BUT we forgot that human ears is used to hear not a frequency alone, but a wavefront constituted of many frequencies together, usually a human vocal timbre, and we forgot that a room must be tested for itself not from and for a precise location in millimeter mainly ... And a room is not a set of passive bouncing walls waiting for the tested emitted frequency anyway, but an enclosure for the human voice, and an heterogeneous set of variable presssure zones, with the tubes and pipes being some of them...

The mechanical equalizer work on all audible frequencies not only on bass like many think, and they work at same time from near listening location and regular location in the room...not from an ideal "imaging spot" that is never an ideal spot anyway, the ideal spot is not made only for "imaging" but also for the " listener envelopment" factor ....The belief that near listening shield us from the room problems is completely erroneous in "small" room...

DSP is and could be a marvellous tool, but those who think that he can replace human ears must wait that new learning neural algorithm implement it in an A.I. expert system... Soon it will be done.... But the cost will be high.... In few years tough we will use it...

For now my ears is the main tool and it is enough...

It is a good thing also to learn acoustic by ears not by equations mainly or only and applying them without thinking....Acoustic is a fluid flowing poetry and geometry for the ears, not first a computer program...

I am not a scientist at all.... All that is my experiences only and could be wrongly explained .... But here we describe our own experience and i tried....

Cost: peanuts, all is made from straws and discarded plumber and copper pipes and tubes in my basement....

Result: the best sound i ever listen to in a small stereo system with ALL my musical files... Sound fills the room with sometimes, relatively to the original mic recording, voices or instruments around me and even sometimes coming from the back of my head... Impossible to going back to my 7 headphones that i put in a drawer.....

Electronic design is the smaller half part of audiophile experience, the bigger half and most important part is ACOUSTIC.....

a remark:

It is incredible but each increasing S.Q. change is incremental and build on the previous one...The road is open and you go on behind each leading improvement idea coming from the last one...

The level of changes I had experienced in the last years exceed by all measure all the changes in my first 6 years of unconscious moves toward improvement, at this times mainly by dreaming about a miraculous piece of gear like the ultimate solution ( Berning ZOTL amplifier for example, and I dont doubt about the high quality of this component I dream to buy one day).

Just a little change in my audio system that is very sensible now can reveal astounding improvement... One inch rectangular piece of Shungite+ copper tape on one side ( what I called a thin"golden" plate) put on only one Schumann generator( I have 10 S.G. ) makes a spectacular improvement in piano timbre and rendition for example...

The more your system is rightly embedded the more some tiny or innocuous modification gives to you some impactful impression....

I am amazed to report here one change after another in my audio system, I am amazed and I am conscious now of this fact: almost all people are unconscious of the higher capabilities of their own audio system …. Dont buy anything costly, think before....

If my remark are useful for only one of you I will be glad....If someone had teach me that the first years would have been less painful less frustrating and more fun....Newcomers like I was, except for buying, we dont know what to do and where to begins... It is simple, there exist mainly 4 embeddings : mechanical, electrical, and 2 acoustical room modifications way, one passive the other active... You begins with these 4, little by little changes....Homemade simple stuff and low cost materials are all is needed...
Try with my thin "golden plate" = one little shungite plate for cell phone+ copper tape on one side...

There is photo on my "virtual system" page...

Place it on the usb platform of the S.G....You can add some tourmaline or Herkimer diamond on top of the golden plate to modify the sound to your liking...

I have both Synergistic Research hfts and DIY hfts
describe these DIY HFTS ?

Thanks for the report...
By the way the Schumann generator for sure affect the acoustical perception of the room, but I use it with the golden plate and some other stones to enhance the effect...And it is way more powerful with that then only the S.G. without anything else on it...

The S.G. work like a stone " filtering" power enhancement system for the acoustical grid of the room... But Stones and golden plate also "filters" in a way the electrical grid this is my experience when located on the breaker panel for example...

I use the word " filtering" in a metaphorical sense to describe my experience and impressions...Anyway nobody write anything I know of about that phenomenon...

I use the word "filtering" because no stones work in the same window nor in the same level...Be it an amethyst, agate, jasper,fluorite,tourmaline, jade, quartz, lava beads, malachite, shungite, etc, the list is too long to enumerate all the experiments I made with these different stones....

My system cost me 500 hundred dollars and the S.Q. exceed many way much costly system...

Audio is not about electronic engineering only, because a good piece of gear is equivalent to another good piece of gear, modulo some differences for sure; audio is mostly about the embeddings of any system, without which no system can sound at his peak potential possibilities...

Almost all audio forums are misleading and are about buying this or that, not about how to embed the audio components...If what you are is already good, and most of us owns already very decent apparatus, why upgrading like sheep without thinking about the question : how  to embed my audio system?

I replace all  ordinary quartz sticks that shielded the tone controls of my Sansui amplifier with selenite quartz... The results were good with these but the results are better with selenite the sound is more natural with more weigh...

I order them because their format were more adequate but it seems they are better not only for a better fitting but for a better S.Q. also...

The acoustical space of my room especially with the creation of the "Golden Fingers" has modified completely the balance of the sound...

I eliminated 80% of my singing resonators, keeping only those that complement the absorption and diffusive effects of the Gold Fingers and the Twin Fans with resonators...

In the past my room was slightly too much reflective and now with this new balance the diffusive surfaces being more important, the sound is improved....

i has now 50 Golden fingers most of them 2 feet lava beads strings or tourmaline or 13 inches herkimer diamonds strings or chrysocolla beads....the materials composition if these stones dont play the prime role,  their working for diffusion of waves is the prime function....Except for Herkimer diamonds that are powerful resonators then act not only like diffusers but also resonators...

The S.Q, is so improved that i cannot say otherwise:

Acoustic is the portal of higher S.Q. generally and for most....Nearfield listening or regular position, in any small room...

My best....
I feel myself ridiculous at this hour in history to makes some update about some homemade Synergetic research HFT I make... 15 on speakers and walls… After many hours the increase soundstage and better imaging is very sensible and easy to spot.... Thanks to sgordon1 for the suggestion....

 My best to all in this horrible times.... Perhaps music and our audio hobby can help to maintain spirit...
Tiny Herkimer diamonds in the Alaska brass cones makes them even better....Perfect resonators...At least music replenish the soul....

My prayers to all who need....
I will put a photo of these "tiny magical resonators" in my virtual system section...

One Alaska brass cones+ an Herkimer tiny diamond= " tiny magical resonators"

The sound will change relating to the stone you will use... You can try without stone the effect is there also...You can mix some with and some without stone, you must experiment location also to gain the optimal effect... But astonishing for peanuts cost....

My prayers to all and music in the heart....
Update about Alaskan brass cones:

Truly amazing to transform the room acoustic for 10 dollars...

The location  on walls, speakers and ceiling is of utmost importance, then it is necessary to try some places and listen to the music...

Inside each brass cones I put some microscopic Herkimer diamonds... The sound is more earthy and grounded with them.... But it would be necessary to test the brass cones without them the sound will be more airy.... Then for optimum results I will divide the lot with the H.D. and some without....

More to come....
Not at all my friend, but my wife watch me and will kill me if I spend money for audio....

I must act with imagination and small money.... But I thank her my audio is over the top for his price...

I offer to you my mate and eternal thanks....
Another brass cones updates:

I add 7 other cones to the 15 others one...
These 7 had only copper tape at the rear to obstruct the hole inside the cones...

Fantastic! It is like using a finger to orchestrate the waves acoustic in our room....Choose a symmetrical location for each, walls, ceiling, speakers... Enjoy the new listening room.... Imaging more large and more beautifully acoustical space expanding even behind speakers and around the room.... Why asking more for 10 bucks...

Incredibly Hi-Fi cost nothing, if you rightly tweaks...Nothing... Dont trust any marketters... Think....Retro-engineer their product with homemade innovations....Not all people flow with money these days in particular....

Boost your immune system with Joy....

"Twin fans combing sound room enhancer"

In audio listening experiments are the ONLY way....

I made a mistake replacing the 2 little herkimer diamonds stick on the 2 fans in front of the speakers by some nano one...

The little one seems to gives more details but the sound is less well textured in de mid frequencies...There is no more details with them, it is an illusion... Then i replace by the 2 H.D. sticks... Immediate relief the sound very well textured in the mids frequencies the most... No lost anywhere...Evident comparison with the same files with bass piano and xylophone...(Renee Rosnes trio "beloved of the sky")

That was the good initial formula....

Question to all :
Why the replacement of 2 nano H.D. by 2 sticks 3/4 inch makes a so great audible impact in a room?

Dont work too hard to answer....

The professional passive negative one will have already their unique answer ready: placebo...

The more serious one probably dont have any answer, even the acoustical engineer.... If not, i want to hear one answer about that....


My " Bell of bells"

 is a marvellous  acoustical device for a room and works marvel for me.... Cost : to low to be describe.....30 bucks in all perhaps...

The bill Charlap trios that i discover last week sound  more natural and the imaging i thanks to be very good to date was lacking, because now  it is wonderful more than a bit more...

This  must be a LAW in audio hobby....

on par with this first law: 

Dont upgrade anything before embedding everything rightfully....

Before making too much other laws i will go back to music, because everything is new again....

Another law:

When all is new again, it is a new step, but probably not the last one....


I quit now, my best.....

The readers of this thread must be conscious that  the S.Q. increase i speak about in these posts of mine, were win one inch at a time, and  despite my hyperboles and exclamations, it was really one inch at a times...

Then it is the sum of all my  controls experiments, in the electrical grid and in the acoustical embeddings, that gives to me the results of the last day....

There is no ready made tweak someone can buy adressing all problems in the 3 embeddings and solving them all...

There is none of my device or ideas that cando the same miraculous feat and solve all problem...

But boy! it was fun and it is fun to listen, create, and increase the S.Q.

I will repeatmyself, a great audiophile experience does not need to cost big money at all, it is a myth, and a reluctant, inadvertant, accidental lie by some.... Thats all....
I am conscious that my experiments are too unorthodox, and not so much esthetically acceptable to be  for all...By the way i am very creative but not very skillfull with my hands....

But my point was not esthetic but sound quality...

And this is complete success...

I am conscious that people believe that was is costly has value, fishing cone bells for 1 dollars has no value....

But forget the money and trust  your ears, the rest is without any  importance....

What is the goal?

 A very beautiful audio system in a beautiful room?

Forget my thread then...

A  low cost audio system in a low cost  acoustically treated room rightfully embed?

Read my thread....

Update about Alaskan 3/8 inches cones:
 golden one are nickel, black one are copper....

I just add 2 on each exterior side of the speakers where there is already 2 on each front side of the speakers...

I now have added 34 cones in the room... some with Herkimer Diamond inside for adjusting bass response...

It seems that all is going for increased improvement....

more to comes I had 11 others cones to place....



I now have successfully place 39 copper Alaskan cones 3/8 inch...

The sound in near listening at 3 feet of my speakers is more 3-d layered than ever...

At regular listening position on my seat at almost 8 feet from the speakers that are on my desk with 5 feet between the center of each other, the room is totally full of the sound with no more relation to the speakers at all, even if the position of the speakers is not symmetrical in relation with the wall...
One of my speakers has two of his side inserted a few inches against the wall...I succeed annihilating mainly the distortion of the soundstage....

For 30 bucks these 45 brass Alaskan cones were one of my most precious and powerful tools to modify the acoustical field of my room...I stole the idea from a tweaks company that sell something resembling that 7 for 400 bucks ( I forgot the company name)...Imagine if I had bought them instead of replicating them.... I dont think that acoustic sound waves act better because they are more costly.... :) Some customers of this comnpany even says beware to not use too much of them because of sound degradation.... It seems my cheap cones ignore sound degradation they are more light and I can increase the S.Q. by balancing them with some Herkimer nano diamonds...Inside each  there is a hole that I fill with copper tape....


Tomorrow or in a few days I will put the 4 last one behind me...And two others will be added to the 2 already glued on my computer screens between the speakers....

To be continued...………...

For all those who read this thread my hope are the best for all.... music is a great help in confinement....Stay well and be cautious in these perilous times....

I had put 41 Alaskans brass cones... 4 left to be use...The last 2 were put on my computer screen between speakers ( I now have 4 at the 4 corners)...

Organ dont lie!

With Helmuth Walcha Bach interpretation, never listened to with this wave of tonal details in a more precise imaging and a more vast soundstage I go upper into heaven than the day before...

Without asking the permission of my wife for this stupendous cash investment in audio, I bought another set of 15...

At the end I will put 60 cones in my room...40 $ all in all....

The next ignorant that call anything "snake oil" will be put to death by me... Because this " ignorabimus" will spread for the X’th times the tale that these speakers, or this dac, or this amplifier, are so good out of the box that is all we need to know nothing else....Marketing ploy are the real snake oil, because selling products without explaining how to embed them is near fraud... But I must be less harsh, because these engineers and vendors dont know themselves most of the times what to do....Read any audio magazine, they dont explain simply the problem....90% of people dont have a clue about the real S.Q. of their actual system because they are even not  rightfully embed at all in the mechanical, electrical, and acoustical fields, ......

Why people bought anything without experimenting first with low cost materials is out of me.... But if I remember I was like that myself most part of my audio life. Nobody ever insist on the importance of this, they speak mostly and exclusively about the quality of their favorite electronical components.    :)

I understand only now (the last 2 years), and I should say like said Christ in his last audio meeting: " Forgive them, they dont know what they do"


The world I has known ended in my conscious experience the 12 March 2020, but finally I will at least listen music like I never heard before dying....

to be continued
Next experiments coming soon:

Springs for my speakers, keeping my sandwiches in place under the speakers, i will put the springs directly on the sandwiches and under the speakers, then i will be able to take off the 70 pounds of concrete that was damping the speakers... I think the springs will made them no more useful.... Springs will controls the resonance better....

And last but not least, 12 new "golden plates" for the electrical grid....

A new tool for acoustical field of my room:

The " Bell of bells"...

I just create it ...

I use a brass little bell that I attach and hang to a rope in the center of my room...

Around this bell I glued 16 little bells (Alaskan brass cones3/8 inch) with half of them with an Herkimer micro diamond glued in them...It is very important to balance half the cones with diamond (half of them)…This balancing compensate the bass frequencies and high frequencies with one another...The result is a better tone accuracy....

This device makes my ears spirals( by some internal Fourier analysis by the brain) able to decode from the feedback waves and reconstruct more easily, in spite of the room intricacies, an optimal tone and imaging ....I am not a scientist tough, I just want to transmit my impressions and communicate my own understanding....

The results (for 10 bucks) are ASTOUNDING....

More accuracy for tone and better imaging...

All my solutions cost nothing or are chap and very effective....This one takes the cake....

My goal is top Hi-Fi for the poor....Trust me it is possible.... If you are newcomers, try, experiment, and step by step, create your own heaven with the only master there is: your ears....No money needed....No upgrade advice here.... Start with what you already owned if this is good basic gear....

An amplifier that was top of the world gear in 1978 is even today a good amplifier, mine is.... Same thing for the speakers.... My only contemporary electronic component is a dac…. A very good one (Starting Point Systems Nos tda 1543) I will never upgrade it because of his minimalistic design and cost....

Remember that I can hear very subtle changes in my audio room because all my embeddings (mechanical, electrical and acoustical) are already very controlled...Go with yours step by steps....

I will post a photo in the next days in my "virtual system" section....

My best to you....
I just ordered 80 little Herkimer diamonds, smaller than the one I already own, to balance my new micro cones... :) ( around 10 bucks)

All is perfect like it is now but something say in me that I will increase the S.Q. with some of the new cones if I add in them H.D. of the require size... Less than 0.1 gram each....

Balancing the effects is one of the KEY to tone accuracy....And I must try because of the improving results when I added some H.D. inside some of the Alaskan regular cones.... Some of these empty little cones screams to me.... :)

"Bell of bells" and new nano brass cones...

I add twelve 7mm 9/32 inch cones(instead of the 3/8 inch one)
On my computer screen between the speakers...
And another set of 12 around the upper circumference part of the "Bell of bells" where there is already in the downward part of the circumference the bigger Alaskan cones...

These micro bells are so little that I cannot put in some of them my nano Herkimer diamonds... :) But it is not necessary with them like with the Alaskan bigger one...I must confess here that this experiment with this smaller cones bells is an accident.... I dont order them in the first place.... :) It is an happy mishap... But ttey complement perfectly well the regular plain Alaskan cones or the one with the H.D. inside them...


The difference in size plays all along the frequencies, more definite and accurate frequencies , especially in the higher frequencies, cleaner, more refined, and also with the bass....

The imaging is better....The piano tone accuracy cannot lie.... :)

I am flabbergasted another time, I think I could not add to the last days results, I was dead wrong...

Most of us DONT know at all what our Audio system is able to do in the right acoustical space...

Reading all these posts about audio on all threads only confirm my experience:

Most people dont know first hand that the embeddings of any Audio System is the ONLY key to Hi Fi....Not a more costly dac or amplifier, or even better speakers most of the times...The cost in relation to the improving S.Q. decrease swiftly... Simple cheap homemade solutions on the other hand has a ratio cost/ S.Q. over the roof....

Mostly the acoustical embeddings controls count for around 60 % of the S.Q.
15 % for mechanical resonance controls, and 25 % for electrical grid controls...It is an approximation of my actual increasing experience...

The reason is simple: the acoustical field of the room is TOTALLY integrated to our hearing brain, they are ONE and the same sensible system, amplifying the other 2 embeddings field modifications if you try them or any upgrade of electronic components (most of the times unnecessary)… :)


The key is to balance empty cones with the one with Herkimer diamond....And using two different size of cones … 

The ears decide.... And with a little experiment it is easy to touch the optimal balancing locations between those.... Between my speakers, all around the computer screen is a magical spot...All along the drivers of my 2-way Mission is a magical spot....And With "the Bell of bells" and his 2 layered cones of 2 different size, in the center of my room, the sound has never been so good in all listening positions, nearfield or regular... :)

Piano for tonal accuracy listening, or vibraphone+ piano....Orchestra is good for imaging accuracy.....Tabla for dynamics....

The truth of the experiment is that 2 micro H.D. in a micro cones of 7 mm or 9332 inch can completely change the S.Q. in a room.... Why?

The only explanation for me is that our ears and the room are one, and the cones are like " steady tags" on a wave flows feedback swirling around the room through which the " Brain Fourier analysis computer" read more easily.... This is only metaphor not science ,I use that metaphor to convey my guiding idea behind my experiments...The grid of cones stabilize for the brain the recognizing process of competing sounds waves between the obstructing distorsion created by the topology of the room accidents...
I now has proven to myself many times that at low cost I can transform completely the sound in my room.... I made it many times and at each times in a positive increasing way...

Why the 4 micro Herkimer diamonds I just added to 4 cones , 2 hours ago, suffice to completely increase tonal accuracy and imaging is so astounding, that I dont really have explanations.... The grid of cones plays like tags on flowing waves yes, but why, for example ,these last four 7 millimeter pieces of rocks (H.D.) inside 4 cones moves so much the S.Q. in an increasing way is beyond me.... :)

My grid of cones, 2 size of cones, is composed now of 70 pieces around speakers and walls....Less than half with Herkimer diamonds for balancing effects...Total cost including H.D. is around 45 bucks...

Musical sound waves bouncing back in a room are more akin to " a language", a temporary living quasi-crystals, than to only a mechanical random phenomena...The sound is like a sensible equation, made visible for the eyes, like the wind on undulating grass... Imagine that if you put some 3/8 inch resonant bowls, on some critical points on the walls of a room, the pattern of the musical sound waves are now less blurred and present to the ears some clearer image where the waves are more clearly perceived, like undulating flags on a flowing river.... I guess Fourier analysis will be useful.... :)

Note: some bowl are empty some with an Herkimer diamond like 2 kind of flags on the flowing frequencies river.... But my analogy dont explain how the resonant bowl affect the flowing waves themselves and not only mark up the turbulent flows for the ears....
The "Golden Stick"
6 inches by 1/4 inch wide shungite stick with 3 sides masked with copper tape...

I cannot put a "golden plate" near my dac, then I solved the problem with the golden stick....Guess what : improvement in clarity....Cost 15 bucks...

I will put a photo in the next days on my "virtual system" page....

I am amazed by these continuous streams of improvement.... Most of us dont know at all their own audio system potential....Before blindly upgrading think about this....

The first and the most fundamental audiophile law:

" Dont upgrade before embedding it"
I forgot to say that there is a tiny Herkimer diamond completely filling a hole in the "golden stick"...That equilibrate the overall effect....
If I want to resume the lessons of this thread in a few words:

The first law,
which is the most fundamental audiophile law:
" Dont upgrade before embedding it"

Second law:"
There exist 3 embeddings dimensions" : MECHANICAL(resonance-vibrations), ELECTRICAL (noise level of any links and general noise floor of the house), ACOUSTICAL ( the known passive standard way and the underestimated active ways)

Third law:
"The more uplifting upgrading effects are most of the time linked to the controls of the embeddings dimensions, except most of the times if you go to a higher rung with a purchase of E.C."

Fourth law:
" All electronic components (E.C.) roughly are distributed on a 3 rungs scale of ratio quality/price, and the S.Q. ratio decrease or increase in a non linear way with these 3 steps, (low, medium, high or a Gaussian with a non normal distribution if you wish)"

Fifth law:
" Any upgrade with a new E.C. on the same rung as a past E.C. will result most of the time in a low increase of S.Q. only, compared to a more rightful way to embed the components"

Sixth law:
" Then dont upgrade before rightly embedding them"

then this circle of laws is closed....

All that is only my experience and I tried to communicate it clearly....You can criticize... :)

I added some 10 tiny Alaskans bowls or bells 9/32 inch or 7mm  on the wall to my right and left...

Improvement  in timbre and imaging.... 2 are with Herkimer diamond inside for balancing  the others...

I will install 50 more in few weeks.... :)

Ridiculous cost to work on the acoustic and nobody pay attention ...

Very strange..... 

Nobody pays any attention. Welcome to my world.
I am a bit fool to complaint....Probably this disease confinement business made me a bit down ….

I will go back to music and will wish you my best :)
But the tape and the tape head are not mechanically coupled
A piece of rock on a cable or on the house router affect the sound and they are not electrically coupled either...

An audio system is for me a UNITY emerging from the mechanical, electrical, and acoustical embeddings...The ears perceived much S.Q. than a single measure apparatus... This unity is neglected by most and by all measure apparatus  indeed, but the ears can detect this unity ....I know that you know already that.... But this thread has silent eyes that listen.... :)
But you would think vibration is not (rpt not) an issue for cassettes, right?
Are you serious?
I know very well that  the mechanical problem linked to the  resonance-vibration affect ALL component...Even if it is not clear link at first look...  

Then you have not lost your mind...  :)