Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...

I owned a low cost headphone for many years, the Fostex TH7B, first version( a new one close version exist Fostex TH7BK), semi-open headphone...I was never completely satisfied by any headphones I ever owned: Hifiman 400, Stax basic lamda, Stax 5 gold,Akg 340,Akg 701, beyerdynamic 990, and T150... Because in each of them with all their qualities I never listen to at the same times, a confortable headphone with natural timbre and voicing, with a good imaging and a realistic soundstage(not too close to my ears)...

For the last days I tweaked this Fostex, to damp his internal resonance I used sorbothane, I put some shungite stones at the exterior part of the cups and I use some Herkimer diamond in the interior pads( 3 at 120 degree) … Now this low cost headphones crush all my others if I sum all his qualities... For example his mids and voicing cannot beat the AKG 340 but among all my other headphones it is the best that is near that mids and it is more confortable, and with longer cable than the 340...His imaging is better and more realistic than the 340 etc etc...It is the same if I compare with the others...

His most important qualities is natural timbre and clear imaging,very precise pinned point accuracy and natural, so clear it crush for that ALL the others to dust...In the French audio circle the reviews were more than very positive few years ago...Diapason d’or and choc Classica...I am not the only one impressed buy the ratio quality/price... But remember that thesae reviewers dont tweak their headphone...The difference between before and after the tweaks are staggering...

Yes Miracles happens in Audio: cost is under 100 American dollars... Few years ago they cost me 50 bucks new... I never dreamed that I will go back to headphones...

I will enjoy your miracles stories of any kind ….My best to all...

Showing 50 responses by geoffkait

Nobody pays any attention. Welcome to my world.

I have been in the future so have been unavailable for comment. They still haven’t figured out how to WiFi back in time. Keep up good work.
My latest innovation involves vibration dissipation for cassettes. Pretty cool. I call it The Cassette Mystery Tweak. I have a Mystery Tweak for CDs too. I don’t tell anyone what they are because then they wouldn’t be a mystery would they?  🤗
But the tape and the tape head are not mechanically coupled. It’s a little bit like an air bearing tone arm or air bearing turntable platter.
But you would think vibration is not (rpt not) an issue for cassettes, right? I mean, there’s the tape head and the tape going by it, that’s it. Strictly magnetic, right? 🧲 Yes, I know some of you are thinking, have you completely lost your friggin mind?
I said the tape and tape head are not mechanically coupled. A rock on a cable Or router box are mechanically coupled, not electrically coupled. How do I know this? Because I’m from the future! Besides, I invented rocks on cables and router boxes. 
Acoustic vibration? There is more than one possibility, including expectation bias. Self fulfilling prophecy, 
No funky foam ear pads for this kid on my Grado SR-60s or 80s. Ruin the sound and the ear should be closer to the transducer. I use gel half circles around the circumference instead. I isolate my Sony Walkman with 2 Hz iso stand. Everything is cryo’d at the lab or at minimum home frozen for two days. CDs are treated with NDM and some hush hush 🤫 damping material. I just installed my second Black Schumann Frequency device and both are isolated on 1 Hz suspensions. Two WHITE two-meter USB to USB cables (so I can get the SF generators five feet off the floor) arrive later today. Everything is treated to the Max. 🔝 Lots of Belt Stuff and Machina Dynamica stuff 👹 - you know, clocks and fouls and stuff, are in evidence. But we won’t go into that right now. Very hush hush. 🤗 Now, I’m going back 🔙 .....back 🔙 to the future!
Turquoise is all impurities, actually. Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium, with the chemical formula CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O. 

I never met a crystal I didn’t like. But crystals don’t act like people think they do. That can be a problem. Consequently, people tend to get carried away before it’s too late. It’s a common audiophile phenomenon; they get all revved up. There is a name for it in psychology. Self-fulfilling prophecy, or something like that. 

geoff kait
machina dynamica
We Do Artificial Atoms ⚛️ Right! 🤗
Let’s compromise and call it a rock. Shungite is neither a crystal or a stone. The tipoff is that it’s mostly carbon. Crystals act as resonators. Rocks not so much.
Uh, it’s the impurities that give crystals their color. Even artificial crystals. Hel-loo!
As fate would have it shungite isn’t even a crystal. Now, we’re getting somewhere. 🤗

Shungite is a black, lustrous, non-crystalline mineraloid consisting of more than 98 weight percent of carbon. It was first described from a deposit near Shunga village, in Karelia, Russia, from where it gets its name. Shungite has been reported to contain trace amounts of fullerenes (0.0001 < 0.001%).[1][2]

When I said shungite is a rock what I mean, in case anyone didn’t catch it the first time, is that it’s not crystalline. It’s not a crystal. It’s actually closer to petroleum. More to the point it doesn’t act like a crystal. It’s not a resonator.
We’ve already established shungite is not crystalline. I never said rocks couldn’t ever be crystalline. Rocks is a broad term. It doesn’t mean anything. I don’t wish to engage in semantics. 😬
Turquoise doesn’t form single crystals - but it is cryptocrystalline. That doesn’t stop it from being useful for audio. Shungite is not a crystal at all, but that doesn’t stop it from being extremely useful and beneficial for audio.

>>>>You’re telling me? I never said otherwise. 

I suspect we’re not on the same page. This is not my first rodeo, cowboy. I thought you would pick up on that. 🤠
What say we open the discussion up to similar materials, you know, carbon fiber, graphite, carbon black, graphene and any other carbon-based audiophile stuff? I couldn’t help notice you asked some very good questions regarding graphene in an OP earlier in the year.
I’m shocked that there is so much disinformation and misinformation in the audio hobby. 🙄
OK, I’m going to help you out. Here’s a copy of the first paragraph of your OP from April 2019. Hope you don’t mind too much. What I call the carbon connection. Let’s get down to the real nitty-gritty. 🤗

“Cable insulation, graphene, electron flow... how does it work?

From my limited experience with graphene pasted on fuses, it appears to work when painted on the glass only. And I know that graphene painted on the exterior of capacitors can help improve sound quality, presumably by facilitating electron flow to and from the capacitors. I know graphene works on any exposed wire or solder joint. It also works when painted on the insulation of cables. It does not control vibration to my knowledge. Therefore, something crazy is happening whereby the graphene is facilitating the flow of electricity, even when applied outside the insulation.”

Among other things graphene is an excellent rf shield. The very best on a per weight basis.  Make sense?
So, I got the idea from you! Whoa! That’s what I call Morphic resonance in action! 
Power to the Pebble! ✊

"From my limited experience with the crystals it appears to me in my system that they work anywhere, whether placed on the amplifier, preamp, CD player, DAC or even on the top of power conditioners - the same way. Best at improving imaging and dynamics...enjoyable when placed in the rear corners, enjoyable anywhere." - V.R. Sola, 2004

"I cannot listen to my system any more without the pebbles." - Hans-Peter, Switzerland, 2004

Hi-Fi News Show, London, Sept 2003 -- Audiopax/Ecosse/Meitner exhibit coordinator (Precious Music, Scotland): "Now, if I say that dozens of people said we had the best sound at show, many other said we had the best sound they had ever heard, many dealers, competitors and reviewers came round to check out the room and in particular the Audiopax Amp and Meitner dac...well you can imagine we felt pretty pleased with our efforts." (4 Brilliant Pebbles were used in this room -- one on each Audiopax speaker and two in room corners.)

"After some experimentation...I tried them in the rear corners of my room behind the speakers and liked them very, very much. They appear to affect the entire presentation in these locations -- providing more clarity, detail and, for lack of a better term, "naturalness" that is quite appealing. Soundstaging and "image density" is improved; treble is more extended and the bass has more snap and fullness to it. Micro- and macro-dynamics are enhanced. I already had the corners treated with Roomtune strips and corner tunes and use Argent Room lenses in the system. How do the pebbles work??? -- I'm intrigued, to say the least. I've been "Machina Dynamica-ized" for the second time." -- Jim O'Neill, O'Neill Medical, 2003

Here’s a new twist. 🕺🏻 A recent venture into the dark kinky world of vibration isolation a couple of years ago resulted in my “Woody the Woodpecker” Isolation Stand. This stand emulated the special physical and functional characteristics of a woodpecker’s head, which evolved over who knows how long? My iso stand combines (1) a bed of tiny glass micro beads (woodpecker head tissue, extremely round and hard), (2) a container of bamboo (woodpecker head bone) and constrained layer damping for the feet (woodpecker connecting ligaments). These special characteristics of the woodpecker’s prevent injury or death whilst he pecks on trees for insects. The woodpecker’s head encounters enormously high negative g’s, around 1000 g’s. 😬
The interesting thing about white cables is that while it’s true that the color white reflects all visible colors, the radio frequencies we are talking about are much higher in frequency than visible colors on the electromagnetic spectrum and are not (rpt not) reflected or absorbed by color per se. by the same token, objects that are the color black may or may not absorb all EM frequencies. They may (most likely) only absorb frequencies in the visible light portion. So, the white cable thing is more mysterious than it might at first appear. 😬
An absorbing or reflecting layer on the cable jacket exterior would probably not accomplish any more than “proper shielding.” RF comes in on the line and generated by the electronics. Now shielding is being raised to an art form by Audioquest and others, including but not limited to rf filters. And there are many other ways to help deal with the rf problem, including robust wall capacitor type filters, speaker terminal attachments (filters), power line conditioners, Bybee doohickies perhaps, Quantum Corp. devices which I think are now extinct, Tice Clock, and a host of other things audiophiles hold dear. You could move to a remote island somewhere. Or, you could turn your whole house into a first order Faraday cage, which is what I’m attempting to do. 🤗
Radio frequencies are like Chicken Man. He’s everywhere! He’s everywhere! RF is coming in through the windows, coming in through the walls, rf is entering the unused wall outlets throughout the house or apartment. Radio frequencies (electromagnetic waves) are produced by electronic components, especially microprocessors. Since radio frequencies are photons and travel at light-speed, directing them away from one object simply allows them to go and affect something else, no? Does carbon absorb photons in the rf spectrum? Carbon seems to be rather good at absorbing visible light.

A comprehensive program of radio frequency shielding, absorption and suppression is required to effectively deal with the pernicious and tenacious problem of rf interference. A couple of suggestions are Machina Dynamica Flying Saucers 🛸 for Windows and Flying Saucers 🛸 for unused wall outlets everywhere in the house or apartment. There is a 3M rf absorbing product that can be easily cut into rectangles or squares and stuck onto the tops of microprocessors but the name of the product escapes me.
Also something to keep in mind, even though I intimated this before, all these rocks, pebbles, stones and crystals and what have you are not (rpt not) operating by the same physical principles nor (rpt nor) are they performing the same function.

Some pills make you larger, some pills make you small, and the ones your mother gives you don’t do anything at all. 😬
The most useful, I.e., effective products for rf, in terms of sound quality, I already mentioned. 🛸 🛸 🛸
Some crystals resonate more with some people than others. That’s kind of why crystals are assigned vibration numbers. We covered that a couple weeks ago. That was Crystals 101.

Now, from what I can gather, there are physical characteristics of crystals, like unique symmetrical crystal structure that affect the sound more directly, but there are also crystals also have metaphysical properties that may be responsible, at least in part, for what one hears by affecting the listener consciously or subconsciously rather than by affecting the audio system. The listener cannot distinguish between the purely physical influence of crystals and their metaphysical influence. It all results in the perception of better sound. Also, keep in mind there are bad places for crystals, too. Be ever vigilant! 😛 That will be covered in Crystals 301.
All thermodynamic processes are irreversible. Home freezer technique 48 hrs is say, 75-80 % of deep cryo. However - and this part is very hush hush 🤫 - the home freezer technique involves Morphic resonance at some level so, once you get into it, and learn the tricks of the trade, the home freezer technique - even though there is such a large temperature difference between -10 degrees F and -300 degrees F - can be made very powerful, more powerful than deep cryo IMHO. It’s a lot like alchemy. 😬

geoff kait
machina dynamica
advanced audio concepts
On my just obtained SONY MDR V700 headphones, which I just took out of the freezer after a 48 hour deep freeze, I am using PWB WHITE Spiratube cable wrap, PWB Cream Electret, PWB Morphic Green Cream, Machina Dynamica Morphic Message Labels, PWB Quantum Clip, PWB Purple Pen on cable mini plug and PWB Rainbow MagnaBlock. Better safe 😃 than sorry. 😭 My Two WHITE 6’ USB to USB cables for the two BLACK SR USB devices ARE out of deep freeze and in place as we speak. I am now burning in the SONY V700’s using Track 9 on the XLO Test CD.
Thanks for asking. I was one of the very first in the country, probably the world, to experiment extensively with both deep cryo and home deep freeze for all manner of audio stuff, from cables to CDs to LPs to CD players, hardware for my Sub Hertz Nimbus isolator,  and beyond. That was more than twenty years ago. Now cryo labs are a cottage industry.
As I said the photos in the freezer illustrates that freezing things is not entirely what it appears to be - realignment of atoms or whatever - there must be something else going on. At least that should be your conclusion if you got results with the photos in the freezer. The technique of using a home freezing can be improved by treating the freezer, the power cord and what is inside the freezer. AND what’s in the system and what’s in all the rooms! Again, it’s not something that can be explained in a few sentences or even paragraphs. Have you tried the photos in the freezer tweak or just heard about it?
It’s complicated. There is no simple answer. A lot of it is classified.

The Photos in the Freezer Tweak is simple. Place two photos of yourself, one a younger photo and the other a more recent photo in separate clear ziplock bags. With a fine tip RED PEN write on one side of each ziplock bag,


and on the other side with RED PEN write,

‘x 26 ‘x

Note that x is lower case.

Place the finished two ziplock bags with photos in the freezer and keep them there.

Then listen to some things you’re familiar with and see if the sound is improved. You do not have to wait until the photos are frozen. If you are not sure if the sound improved, try taking the photos out of the freezer and listen again without the photos. If you hear the sound as improved with the photos IN the freezer you can leave them there.
Unfortunately the explanation is beyond scope of this discussion. Even if it wasn’t it’s a very long story. It’s not easy to explain, either.  But the key is that cryogenic and home freezing processes involve Morphic resonance in addition to straightforward physical science. This idea of information fields and low temperatures is perhaps best demonstrated by the notorious Photos in the Freezer Tweak. Of course, the idea that the home freezer can be made more powerful than -300 deep cryo is blasphemy to every audiophile who thinks all tweaks are snake oil and believes “sound engineering principles” are the golden path to audio Nirvana.

Future Man 👹
Which would you rather do, go tumble on an amusement park ride or get the Khashoggi treatment? 😩
Somebody’s not paying attention. Somebody’s also putting words in my mouth I never said. Cheers from your friendly local theoretical physicist. 🤗
I’m actually against the whole idea of chopping crystals up into little pieces. 😱 Crystals are “living things.” They have a beauty and functionality that is inherent in their original condition and size. Some of the most beautiful and effective crystals I use in Brilliant Pebbles are rough (natural) medium to large size crystals. I use tumbled stones, too. I have three sizes of Brilliant Pebbles, each size intended for a set of applications - each size contains a number of crystal types. As I mentioned somewhere along the line, the use of different crystal types together in the same device extends its effective bandwidth. Thus, if you like two particular crystal types, put them together and they will probably be more effective.

The size of crystals required for certain applications is a function of energy problem. Thus, in room corners, where one encounters extremely high sound pressure levels, small or chopped up crystal bits just won’t cut it, so to speak. The same goes for using crystals on the top of speaker cabinets or the top of tube traps, where large crystals are required. The smaller Mikro and Mini Brilliant Pebbles are great on glass windows and doors, on walls, in proximity to small vacuum tubes, on top of CD players directly over the spinning disc and other applications.

Until tonight I was never aware how much EMF is entering at the back of a tonearm. I created a shungite blocking hood for the back half of my Kuzma 4-point 9 tonearm, and nearly fell out of my (rocking) chair when I played a record.

Or it could just be vibration. 😬 I’m also not sure you mean EMF. 
Now I get it. You were holding the hood while you evaluated the sound. You don’t think rf can do an end run around the hood? The whole room is filled with rf at all times, very hook and cranny. It moves at the speed of light. What is required is a comprehensive and effective program of RFI/EMI absorption and shielding the likes of which the world has never seen. 
@mahgister, @whostolethebatmobile - just to mention or remind you I invented the teeny tiny crystals for audio. 20 years ago. Mikro Brilliant Pebbles. Power to the Pebble!! 🤗

As Noah Cross tells Jake Gittes over lunch at the Albatross in the movie Chinatown, You might think you know what’s going on but, believe me, you don’t.

484 posts
08-16-2019 8:57amgeoffkait I apologize totally if I put some words in your mouth, sometimes I react swiftly and your humor is not for low IQ like mine... :)

I must have been too subtle as it was not intended to be humorous. 😳
Oh, geez, not him again! This is rapidly becoming my favorite thread. 🤗

These things (Brilliant Pebbles) have been around for quite a while I believe, and still not even a hint of what principle of physics is supposed to be involved. The statements about them are just meaningless generalizations.

>>>>Pop Quiz - which one of us took atomic physics in school. Three guesses. The first two don’t count.