
A quick question. I bought the mintlp for my Scout but due to work and the holidays I haven't had time to work with it yet. Tonight I put it on the spindle and set the needle down just to see what I was dealing with. I clearly see about a 5 degree counterclockwise difference, maybe more, from what the mintlp says I should have and what it's set at now. I see this looking at the lines on the mintlp and comparing that to the front edge of the cartridge body. Would that be considered a huge difference?
My plans are to set aside a couple of hours this weekend to set it up correctly. Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Showing 1 response by audiofeil

I just purchased quite a few Mint LP protractors to cover all of my turntable/tonearm combinations. The expenditure was significant but not nearly as significant as the performance increase attributable to them.

More importantly if the Mint LP protractors are correct, and I believe they are after listening, not a single manufacturer's protractor/jig supplied with their tonearm is accurate. Some are close but others are not.

The point is if you've invested in a decent table and tonearm, you'd be foolish not to spend another $100 or so and ensure proper alignment.

This device is a no brainer IMO.